Yoongi - Without Me Part 1

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This is inspired by Without Me by Halsey

Your pov

You and Yoongi were childhood friends. You became friends when you were five. He was an awkward kid who was super shy and he got teased for it. One day some kids were picking on him and you stood up for him. After that he followed you around and you let him. You thought he looked like a cute lost kitten.

You became close friends and you helped him become less awkward and shy. You both shared a love for music and a dream to be an idol. You were sad when you and your family moved and you had to leave him.

You kept in touch but slowly talked less and less as time went by. Especially when you started to pursue your dream. You were becoming an idol at Bighit and so far you were doing pretty well.

One day Yoongi called you and asked if you could meet up with him. You slipped on a hoodie and a mask so you could go out without being possibly recognized. You met him in a nearby cafe. You sat with him in the back.

"Sorry but I'm waiting for someone." He said.

"Yoongi it's me." You still had the mask on so he didn't know it was you until you pulled it down.

"Oh. I didn't recognize you Y/n."

"Good. Then my disguise is working." You flashed a quick smile before tilting your head at him. His eyes were red like he'd been crying and he seemed depressed. "Now, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Does something have to be wrong? I can't just meet up with my old friend?"

"Yoongi I've known you for years. I know when something is wrong. Now tell me what happened."

He lightly chuckled. "I never could keep anything from you." He sighed before he began to talk. Apparently his girlfriend of two years, Mina, left him for another guy. She told Yoongi that her new guy was more successful at music and that Yoongi shouldn't even try.

"Maybe I should just give up." He said.

You shook your head. "No. You are not going to give up and do you know why? Because you are an amazing artist. I don't know why you would even listen to her."

"Because I love her." You winced inwardly. His words stung your heart a bit. Of course it would. It always hurts when someone you love says they love another. Yes. You were in love with Yoongi.

"I know you do. And it's sad to say but that seems over with now. You need to focus on yourself for a bit." You don't know when you fell for him but you did and now here you are trying to comfort his broken heart while trying to ignore yours.

"How am I supposed to do that? I've always focused mainly on her." He slumped down in his seat. He didn't look like the Yoongi you knew but you were going to help him any way you could. You moved to sit next to him and put your head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Yoongs. I'll help you."

You spent all of your spare time on Yoongi. Making sure he took care of himself. Made him go to sleep when he just wanted to write or wallow in sadness. You helped him get himself back together and encouraged him to audition for Bighit. You were so proud of him when he eventually became part of a group called BTS.

You stayed with him almost constantly as you both worked on your dreams. You were around him so much that you even became close friends with his bandmates. You knew that Yoongi still probably thought of Mina and still probably loved her. But you secretly hoped that he'll see how much you actually care for him and maybe, just maybe, he'll feel the same.

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