Jungkook - Accident

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This is requested by JeonShanon5 thank you so much for requesting! Also I'm so sorry this took so long >\\\<
This has a custom name but you can replace it with yours ^w^

It all happened so fast.

One moment you and Jungkook were walking across the street, you were trailing a bit behind him because you had to fix your shoelace just before the walk light turned on, the next you were laying face up on the cold pavement.

You could tell people were yelling and screaming but you couldn't really hear it. Why were they screaming? You tried to move but you couldn't really feel anything. Warm brown eyes entered your field of vision. Jungkook. He looked so worried. Why? He kneeled beside you and you saw his mouth moving. You had to focus hard to hear what he was saying.

"Shanon! Can you hear me?" He asked.

"Yeah. Kinda. What's wrong?" You were so confused. What was happening? He seem... Worried?

"Y-you were hit by a car." His voice shook a bit.

"Oh." You were hit? But you didn't feel anything. But as soon as you thought that shooting pain erupted in you making you cry out in pain. "Wow. That hurts."

"Of course it does, dummy." He said a bit exasperated.

"Hey, I just got hit, you shouldn't call me a dummy." You joked cracking a small smile. You were used to Jungkook calling you little names like that. You knew he didn't really mean it. He's got this hard look to him and is closed off but underneath he's very caring, he just doesn't show it that often.

But right now he's being very open. You can see in his eyes his fear and worry. And something else that you can't quite put your finger on.

He's scared- no, he's absolutely terrified. You're covered in scrapes and bruises. Blood stains your clothes and the ground. The ground. He adjusts himself so that he can rest you head on his lap.

"What are you doing?" You ask through a small wince.

"Sorry." He quickly apologizes. "I figured I would make a better pillow than the pavement." You smile a bit and agree. He watches helplessly as more and more blood flows onto the ground. He doesn't know where it's coming from and he can't stop it.

"Kook," you whisper, "I'm getting sleepy."

"No. No, Shanon, you gotta stay awake, please. Help is coming. You just need to stay awake. Please. For me." His vision clouds with tears and a few drops land on your face.

"You're crying." You say with a bit of wonder. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry." Your eyes flutter for a moment.

"You know I'm not good at showing emotions." He says quickly trying to keep your eyes open. He starts talking about random things and you do your best to listen and stay awake but your eyes are getting so heavy.

"My head hurts." You say.

"I guess my legs aren't as comfortable as I thought." He tries to joke but he's even more worried. He holds your hand and you squeeze every time something hurts which is almost constant. But your grip is getting a bit weaker each time.

"No. It's perfect. Because I get to look up at you." You smile. You've always liked looking at Jungkook. It would be a lie if you said you didn't love him but you could never bring yourself to say anything. But you can feel yourself slipping. It's either now or never. "Hey, Kook. You wanna know a secret?"

"Sure." He sniffles.

"I love you. I always have. I just thought I should tell you, you know, in case I-"

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