Taehyung - Siren's Song

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This was requested by nightshade2020 thank you for requesting! And I hope this is what you had in mind! 🥰
The song the siren sings is linked above, it's so pretty and you should definitely give it a listen because it's so beautiful and helped me with this imagine! I changed the lyrics just a bit at the end to fit the story.

Waves gently rocked the quiet ship as the moon hung languidly in the sky. Stars danced through the night. There was not a cloud in sight and not a single thing was stirring. Even the seven residents of the ship were quietly sleeping. Everything was still, except for the always moving sea.

Taehyung tossed in his bed as the moon reached her peak in the sky. Visions of striking e/c eyes amidst flowing h/c hair haunted his dreams. He's deep underwater, moonlight filters through the waves and he looks around. Nothing, there's nothing around him. Then he sees those eyes. They seem to glide towards him as they move through the water. A hand reaches out to him... And he wakes up.

He looks around his dark cabin, a bit of moonlight through the porthole gives shape to his surroundings. He was about to go back to sleep when he heard a voice. A voice singing.

"Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity"

His mind clouded as his eyes adopted a faint pink glow.

"Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me, sleep peacefully
Listen to this siren's song
Worry not for nothing's wrong"

As if pulled by a string he gets up from his bed and starts to make his way on deck. A slight breeze ruffles his clothes as his bare feet take him to the side of the ship. He put his hands on the guardrail and looked over. A girl with glowing pink eyes and h/c hair that was slicked back with water looked up at him.

"Let my voice lead you this way
I will not lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out were men have died"

He was filled with the need to be with her. To be in the water with her. Carefully he climbed up onto the rail and sat on it, his legs dangling over the side. He was about to let go when she gasped in alarm.

"Stop!" She yelled. He stopped his movements. "Get back onto the ship." He did what she said. She sighed in relief and her eyes faded from pink to e/c. The glow disappeared from his eyes and he blinked as if waking up. He shook his head and looked around.

"What the hell?" He muttered. He doesn't remember getting out of bed. How did he get on deck? A voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Hello?" He looked over the side of the ship to see a girl. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Am I okay? I should be asking if you're okay. Why are you in the water?"

"Don't mind that." Her voice held different layers as her eyes flashed pink.

Suddenly the idea of her being overboard with nothing else around didn't seem so strange. "I'm fine." He said finally.

"What's your name?" She asked, the echo in her voice gone.


"Taehyung." She tested the name on her tongue and she smiled. "I like it."

"Thank you. What's yours?"


A chord struck in him and he felt like he already knew it before she said it. "It's beautiful."

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