Namjoon - The Littlest ARMY

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A little different than normal but I've been reading a lot of child reader and child BTS and I freaking love it it's so cute ÚwÙ

Namjoon was in his studio trying to write some new songs for a new album coming up. He was going over some new lyrics he wrote when he got a surprising phone call.

"Mom?" He answered. He hadn't really heard from his parents much aside from his mother telling him about his new little sister and trying to make sure she knows who he is.

"Hey, Namjoon. How are you?" She asked over the sound of crying.

He furrowed his brows. "I'm good. Why is Y/n crying?" He asked about his sister.

His mom sighed. "That's what I called you about. Me and your father are hitting a bit of a... Rough patch you could say. We're fighting too often and we both agreed that we didn't want her around that. We were hoping you could take her in for while? Just until we either fix things or... Well, you know."

His mother's words made him extremely upset. Not only because his parents might split but because his little sister was having to be there for it. "Yeah of course. I just need to make a few calls and then you can bring her."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Namjoon."

"No problem, mom. Start heading over because it will take a few hours."

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit."

He told her the address of the dorms and they said their farewells and hung up. He sighed before he called Bang PD and explained the situation. It was unusual to say the least but Namjoon was allowed to have his sister with him in the dorm as long as he made sure she didn't cause trouble and was taken care of. Namjoon made his way back to the dorms to prepare for his sister. The guys were off doing their own practices and such so he'd have to tell them later when they got back.

After a few hours his mom showed up with Y/n. Poor girl had a red face from crying so much. She hugged her mom, her face buried in her shoulder until she heard her brothers voice. The three year old turned to look at him and made grabby hands for him to carry her. He gave her a small smile before taking her and she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, snuggling into him for comfort.

Their mom chuckled a bit. "She always did like you best." After looking at her two children for a bit she shook her head fondly and went back to the car to get Y/n's things. He held Y/n with one arm and tried his best to help his mom carry in things with the other. He set the things next to his bed and then hugged his mom goodbye. She pecked Y/n's head and the little girl waved with a little sniffle and a tiny "Bye mama." And then she was gone, leaving Namjoon with his little sister hoping everything would turn out okay.

He turned his head to look at her to find her already looking at him with big e/c eyes glossy with tears. "Hey there, little one. It's gonna be okay. Don't cry alright?" She gave a little nod and he smiled, wiping away the tears on her chubby cheeks. "Why don't we get you something to eat and then you can take a nap? You must be tired." He chuckled when she yawned a bit. He made her a simple snack and then laid on his bed with her next to him. He hummed to her whatever song came to mind until he was sure she was asleep. He waited in the living room for the guys, keeping an eye and ear on his door in case Y/n woke up and needed him.

About an hour later they came back almost at the same time. They all greeted each other before Namjoon stood up from the couch and cleared his throat to get their attention. "So, I have something to tell you guys. I-"

"You're gay." Yoongi interrupted.

"What?! No! Where did you even get that?" Namjoon asked bewildered.

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