Yoongi - Fallen For You

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Yoongi walked down a pier towards the dark waters at the end. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and looked at the city lights, that glowed form behind him, glitter on the surface of the water. After a moment he lifted his gaze to the sky, to the clouds drifting by, and a small loving smile graced his pale features. There was really only one thing that would make him smile in such a way. Her. The only being in the entire universe that he would sacrifice anything for. His Y/n.

Beautiful and kind and pure. The exact opposite of him  she's soft as feathers and he's hard as stone. She's light and he's dark. She has every reason to not want him and yet she does. She chose him, out of everyone else she could have chosen. She chose him. And because of that choice he has never been happier. But of course with this happiness comes obstacles. Despite what anyone else thinks or says or how many odds are stacked against them he will never let her go as long as she still wants him. That's why he's here at the pier now. This is their secret meeting place. The only place where they can escape their world's and just be together.

"Yoongi!" He turns at the sound of her voice and his smile grows. She runs down the pier with a beautiful smile on her face and an excited giggle. Once she's close enough he opens his arms and she leaps into them, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he spins her. "I missed you." She mumbles into his neck.

"I missed you too." He pets her hair for a moment and then let's her down onto her feet. He cups her cheek and just smiles at her. This was one of his favorite things in life. The few quiet moments where they just look at each other, no words spoken for there is no need, everything is said in their eyes. Unconditional, unwavering and unadultered love. An eternal promise they make every time they meet. And as always they seal it with a gentle kiss.

After a few more moments they sit together on a bench and look at the roiling waves. He puts an arm around her and pulls her closer into his side. She looks up at him with a sweet smile and a sparkle in her eyes. "So, what's been going on?" She asks.

He lets out a small sigh. "The usual I guess. Arguments, insults, threats." She frowned and he lightly nibbled on his bottom lip wondering if he should say what happened.

"What else? There's something you're not telling me."

He lightly chuckled and gave her a half smile. "I can't get anything past you can I?" She quirked an eyebrow at him and he sighed again. "I was banished."

"What?" She sat up right and gawked at him. "Why? What happened?"

"My 'brother' found out I was coming here to meet you."

"Chen found out? Oh Yoongi. I'm so sorry." She frowned and he gave her a hug.

"It's fine. I mean it could have been worse. He could have ratted me out and I could have been tortured forever but instead he showed mercy and banished me."

"Yoongi, that's still a big deal. You can never go back home!"

He shook his head. "That was never really my home." He turned his body so he could face her better and cupped her face with both hands. "My home, now and forever, is wherever you are. I love you."

"I love you too." He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. When he pulled back he gave her a serious look.

"You need to be careful now that I've been found out. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I will. I promise."

"Thank you." He smiled at her.

She smiled until it faded and she sighed. "I have to go now."

"I understand." He gave her one more Peck and they stood together. They walked to the end of the pier and she hugged him before she climbed into the railing. She opened her pearlescent white wings and stretched them. "I'll see you later, my Angel."

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