Jin - You're More Than Enough

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This was requested by Weird_BTS_Girl thank you so much for requesting!

Warning! This imagine has sensitive content that includes self harm. If you're bothered by things like this please don't read I don't want to hurt you like that I love you all so much 😣

You and Jin were sitting together on your bed watching whatever you desired. You both weren't able to do this often due to his career so it was always nice when you could. He was a very popular K-pop idol with his six band mates and friends. They are so busy all the time and he spends almost all of his free time and breaks with you to relax. You've tried telling him he didn't have to spend so much time with you but he always said you relaxed him so you let it be and just enjoy it.

Although sometimes your mind wouldn't let you.

You had always had a problem with insecurities and self esteem. In school you had little to no self esteem and a lot of insecurities which is where some problems started.

Because of bullies and school pressure you took to cutting yourself for some sick sense of relief. Back then a blade was your best friend. After you got out of school and were away from all of that negativity you got a bit better. Only cutting every so often when you spiraled down in your thoughts. But then you met Jin and, as cliche as it sounds, he changed everything for you. You worked hard to stop those bad behaviors because you knew if he found out he would freak out and worry.

It was hard to say the least.

You had insecurities again and worries if you were good enough for him. He was such a kind and caring soul and he treated you like a Queen even when you felt like a mere peasant compared to him. And his fans, they had been so nice to you when he came out about you both and you wanted to be good enough for them too. You wanted to be good enough to be with him in their eyes and his.

But sometimes, when he was away and you were alone, you would spiral down in your thoughts again.

And you would go to your old friend again.

You slightly shifted in your spot a bit, thinking about all of that agitated you and you subconsciously tugged down the long sleeves of your shirt. You wore long sleeves often, when you were around Jin and when you went out, to hide your old scars and any new ones you may have made.

You huffed a bit a subtlety shook your head trying to disperse the dark thoughts.

You cleared your mind and focused on the movie. It was one of your favorites after all. It was getting towards the big moment and that was your favorite part (it could be a big kiss or a big fight or anything in between, up to you ^w^). With your eyes glued to the screen you didn't really notice Jin suddenly shifting in his spot and reaching behind him. He huffed out a breath of annoyance and looked to you with slightly pleading eyes.

"Y/nnnn." He dragged out the last syllable. "My back is itchy."

"I'm sorry." You said not really paying attention.

He whined a bit. "Can you please scratch it." Without moving your eyes from the screen you reached behind him and he leaned a bit forward to give you better access. He hummed in appreciation as your nails moved all around making sure to get every spot that could've been itchy. "Thank you~." He said cutely

A small smile made its way on your face as you set your arm by your side and continued watching. "No problem, Jinnie."

A few minutes passed and the big moment in the movie was almost there. You felt Jin grab your hand. You didn't think much of it until he spoke up. "Y/n... What is this?" You blinked a few times and looked at Jin who was looking at your hands. You followed his gaze and you felt the blood drain from your face. You sleeve had ridden up just enough to see angry red and pink lines.

"I-it's nothing." You tried to pull your hand back but he held onto it. You looked away shamefully as he moved your sleeve up more to see the new and old marks that you've hidden.

"Why?" Was the only thing he was able to say. It pained him deeply to see these marks on someone he found so precious.

"I'm sorry." You sobbed. Silent tears fell down your cheeks and he immediately pulled you in to him. Your back pressed into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"It's okay." He said calmly trying to sooth you. "It's okay. I'm here."

After a few minutes of crying you were able to pull yourself together enough to talk coherently. "I just- I get so insecure. I'm not like the girls you see on TV and magazines. I'm not perfect like I want to be for you. You're so amazing to me and to everyone. I want to be even just a sliver of that for you. I just want to be good enough for you. I'm scared that I'm not and won't ever be good enough for you."

He slowly released you and turned you to face him. He looked at you with so much love in his eyes you could shatter with the intensity of it. He gently held your face in his hands and smiled at you.

"You're beautiful to me. Even more so than the women on TV and magazines. You have a beautiful heart and a beautiful mind and an even more beautiful soul, your beautiful face and body is an added bonus." You let out a small huff of a laugh and he smiled. "Those 'flaws' you see in yourself are gorgeous to me. You don't need to be absolutely perfect for me or for anyone because, to me, you're already perfect just as you are. You're everything to me. You're more than enough for me."

A few happy tears slipped down your cheeks this time and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Thank you." You whispered.

"Anything for you." He smiled at you before gently kissing you.

You chuckled a bit when you pulled away and wiped your tears. "I missed my favorite part." You said glancing at the screen that was now way past it.

He laughed and grabbed the remote. "It's fine. We can rewind it." You snuggled into his side and he put his arm around your shoulders.


Yo where can I get me a Seokjin 😭
I hoped you liked this and I hope I didn't hurt you too bad 😣

Thank you so much for reading and I love you all!

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