Yoongi - Dating Rumor Part 1

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Y/n's pov

I was in my room listening to the most recent hits when I got a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called. My brother Jin came in and sat on my bed next to me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I kept my eyes away from him.

"Y/n don't do that."

"Do what? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't make me feel guilty. I have to move in with my new group."

I finally looked at him and sat up. "But you could take me with you! I have a job!"

"As an intern."

"I still make enough to feed myself. Please? Mom and dad don't mind as long as I stay by you."

He sighed as he got up. "Let me make a call."

I sat anxiously waiting for him to come back. I didn't care if I had to live in a one room shack with seven boys as long as I could stay by my brother. We are incredibly close. I'm younger than him by a year and he became my protector.

He came back with a smile on his face. "Okay Y/n you can come with me." I squealed with excitement and gave him a hug.


Three years later

I hugged Jin trying to keep from crying. "Visit often okay?" He said.

"I promise. I'm not that far away so you visit too." I pulled away and gave him a smile. I hugged the other boys except Yoongi. He wasn't there. "Don't be sad dongsaengs."

"You've been with us all this time and now you're leaving." Jungkook said.

"I'm not leaving for good. You'll still see me okay? I'm still with you all the way. I'm the very first ARMY remember?" He nodded sadly and I gave him one more hug.

I grabbed my bags and went outside to the car that was waiting. I put my bags in the trunk and sighed. I was about to get in the car when I heard someone call my name.

"Y/n." I turned and saw Yoongi.

"Yoongi." I had always liked Yoongi and I always got a bit nervous when he was around.

"So you're really going?" I nodded. "Well good luck with your job."

"Thank you." Suddenly he hugged me. On the outside I was calm and hugged him back. On the inside I was screaming like a teenager.

"Goodbye." He said when he pulled away.

"Bye." I gave him a small smile and got into the car.

I'm on my way up now. From intern to assistant and now an actual music producer. I made myself a name along with BTS. We rose up from anonymity together.


Five months later

I visited the boys often like I promised and they visited me. It was a little difficult finding time to see them but I did it because I love my brother and his friends.

One day Yoongi asked for some help on a song. I went to his studio. I stood next to his chair and he played it for me. I nodded my head along to the beat as I listened.

"It sounds great but maybe just add a bit of bass here." I leaned over and pointed at the screen. He did what I said and smiled when it sounded good.

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