Taehyung - The Stripper

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Warning! In this story you is a sexy bitch 😋 I'm kidding you are always sexy! Rock your inner beauty baby! And also I suck at describing clothes sometimes so hopefully I did it well enough for you to see what I'm trying to say.

Your pov

"Babe I'm leaving now." Your boyfriend Taehyung said to you. You nodded to him through the bathroom mirror. You stopped drying your hair for a moment as he hugged you from behind. "Don't work too hard today okay?"

"You too. It's called 'shop till you drop' not 'dance till you die.'"

He lightly laughed. "I won't die. I love you." He pecked you on the cheek.

"I love you too." You waved goodbye to him and finished drying your hair. You pulled on a simple shirt and a pair of jeans. You'll put your 'uniform' on when you got to work.

As far as Tae knew you worked in a fancy restaurant with rich customers who tip big. That's not particularly true. You're actually a stripper in a fancy strip club with rich customers who tip big.

You didn't tell Tae, not because you were ashamed of your job, but because you weren't sure how he'd react. He's not overly protective but he can get jealous sometimes if he thought a guy was looking at you to much in a certain way. Who knows what he'd do if he saw how they looked at you at work.

You actually kind of liked your job. Because of your good looks and flexible body you made good money. You also felt a bit powerful when you were up on the stage or on a pole. You can't really describe why. You like being able to make men and the occasional woman drool over a simple kick of the leg or flip of the hair.

When you got to the club you went to the back dressing rooms and changed into a baby blue lingerie set. It had sheer lace covering your waist and a cute little bow on the front of the bra and underwear. You styled your hair into two pigtails and brushed out your bangs. You put on simple makeup. Just a bit of mascara and rosy lips.

All of this gave you a sweet and innocent look. Your stage name was Dollface. That was because you have a sweet and innocent face but a sexy and sinful body. People went crazy for your strip show. Yours was usually towards the end of the night so until then you were pole dancing.

Some of the girls did 'overtime' on the side. Meaning they also sell sex. You thought that mainly it was because they were always horny or something like that. Those girls were usually the ones to go full throttle in their dances showing as much of themselves as possible.

One of the girls, Candy, offered you a spot in the overtime work but you declined. You could never even think of doing something like that to Tae. You loved him and would be forever faithful. You also didn't like the idea of doing it with strangers, even if they were regulars at the club.

Time flew by and it's almost time for you to do your show. You went to the changing room. You have about an hour to get ready. This was also part of your break time. Your phone started to ring and you saw it was Taehyung. You answered, thankful that the music was quiet from here.

"Hey Tae."

"Hey Y/n. I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Well Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung finished some songs and we all did well on the choreography so the guys wanted to go somewhere to celebrate a good day of work..." He trailed off.


"Well we were trying to think of a place to go and Namjoon hyung being the perv he is suggested a certain club. Everyone agreed but I felt like I had to ask you first." He kept pausing and you were starting to get a bit worried.

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