Jungkook - Taste of His Own Medicine

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This was requested by a lovely Anon thank you for requesting! 🖤💜💙 Also I have no experience with itching powder so if I get anything wrong please excuse it ^w^

It's no secret that Jungkook can be a bit mischievous. Well, a lot mischievous. He is always playing one trick or another on his band mates. From a simple switching sugar for salt to a bigger placing rubber snakes in Hobi's bed, Jungkook does it all.

One day though the boys decide it's time he got a taste of his own medicine. They quickly hatch a plan to prank the unsuspecting maknae and instantly get to work. While Jungkook was showering one afternoon Taehyung and Jimin snuck into his room and carefully dusted the inside of the clothes he laid out with powder. And not just any kind of powder. Itching powder.

They smiled at each other until they heard the shower turning off and they quickly ran out of the room. Jungkook proceeded to dry off and get dressed in the tainted clothes. Almost immediately his skin felt a bit irritated but he just ignored it. He headed to the kitchen to get a snack before he went out.

"Where you going, Kook?" Jin asked and Jungkook looked through the fridge.

"I'm gonna hang out with Y/n today."

"Aw say hi for me!" Hobi said.

Jungkook chuckled a bit. "I will." He shifted his shirt a bit with a small grimace. He heard Jin and Hobi snicker a bit but ignored it as he grabbed an apple before heading for the door. "Bye guys! See you later." He shut the door behind him followed by a chorus of goodbyes.

As he walked to his girlfriend's house he kept itching different parts of himself like his torso, arms and legs. He finally got to her door (despite his major uncomfort) and knocked with a little smile on his face. A few moments later it opened and his smile widened when he saw her there.

"Jungkook!" She shouted happily and jumped into his arms. He chuckled a bit as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey there, baby." He said.

"What are you doing here?" She asked once she pulled away. "I thought you were busy?"

He shrugged a bit. "We had a free day and I wanted to spend it with you."

"That's so sweet."

"Anything for you." He quickly leaned forward to kiss her and he felt her smile.

"Come in." She said once he pulled away. They both spent a few hours watching movies and joking around and just spending time together. Also during those few hours she noticed him itching and adjusting his clothes a bit. "Are you okay?" She asked after seeing him pull at his shirt for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah. I'm just really itchy today. I would say maybe it's the clothes but this is my favorite outfit."

"Come here. Let me look." He turned his back to her and she pulled back the collar of his shirt. She saw a bit of white on the inside of his black shirt and she instantly knew what it was. "Babe, you have itching powder in your clothes." She said with a little laugh.

"What?" He turned to look at her. "Are you serious?"

"Very." She laughed a little more as he groaned.

"I'm gonna kill them." She giggled even more and he looked at her. "It's not funny!"

"Oh come on, Kook. You prank them all the time and now that they've pranked you it's not funny?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on. Admit it. You think this is really funny." She poked him a couple of times playfully until he smiled.

"Okay yeah it is a little funny." They laughed a bit and he itched again. "But this is super uncomfortable. How the hell do I get this off?"

"Come on." She got up from the couch and pulled on his arm. "Go into my bathroom and take a shower. Gently, and I mean gently, wash everywhere. I'll wash your clothes and get you some new ones to change into."

"Yes, ma'am." He joked and she rolled her eyes. She went to her room and grabbed a pair of underwear and sweat pants that he had left there before and laid them on the bathroom sink while he was showering. She carefully picked up his old clothes and tossed them into the washer.

She sat on her bed waiting for him to be done and after a few minutes he walked in. "Hey. How do you feel?"

He sat next to her on her bed. "A bit better but still a bit itchy." He scratched his arm.

"I've got something that might help." She got up and went to the bathroom, picking up a light purple bottle before sitting behind him. "A bit of lotion should help soothe your skin. And it's lavender scented. Bonus." He huffed out a small laugh and then sighed when she started putting the lotion on his back. She slowly and carefully put lotion on his shoulders, arms and chest (both slightly blushing from the last part) and looked at him when she was done. "Better?" She asked.

He leaned forward to give her a gentle kiss. "Much better."

"Good." She smiled.

"But there's one thing that would make it even better."

"And what's that?" He gave her a mischievous smirk. She squinted her eyes at him. "What are you do-" she cuts herself off with a squeal as he tackles her back onto the bed in a big bear hug. She giggled as he buried his face into her shoulder.

"Ah much much better." He sighed contentedly. She chuckled a bit and started to comb her fingers through his hair.

"What about the movies?" She asked quietly.

"They can wait till later. I'm comfy now." His voice was slightly muffled. She smiled as she felt his eyes flutter shut and continued to pet his hair closing her eyes as well.

Finished! Sorry it took so long to finish this! I was going one way and I didn't like it so I had to start from scratch. But I love it now and I hope you do to! Thank you again for requesting and thank you all for reading!

P.s. we are at 51K+ reads?!?! Thank you all so much! I never expected people to actually read this and it means a lot that people do so thank you all so much!

I love you all! 😘🥰🖤💜💙🖤💜💙🖤💜💙

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