Taehyung - Soul For a Soul

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From the outside they looked perfect together. Taehyung and Mina. She was extremely happy. With no one and nothing, to have Taehyung was everything to her. She had no family, no friends, no one. And that made her perfect to him.

She is beautiful to him. He loves her h/c hair, her e/c eyes, and he especially loves the crescent shaped birthmark on her shoulder. Every single detail about her is perfect to him. Well, all except one.

She wasn't her.

Everything is exactly like her except the inside. But he's going to fix that. Tonight.

She nervously but excitedly makes her way up to his very large and impressive house (which is more like a mansion) and knocks on the door. They hadn't been dating long but he has charmed her so well. The door opens and he smiles at her. Her eyes glance at the gold cross hanging from his neck, a blood red gem sat in it's center.

(This is the cross which I actually own and love ^w^ this imagine is based off of this thing alone

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(This is the cross which I actually own and love ^w^ this imagine is based off of this thing alone. I also took this picture myself ^w^)

He invites her in and she marvels at the fancy decor. Everything is mostly red and black with a few touches of white and a lot of gold.

"Wow!" She exclaims. "It's beautiful in here!"

"Thank you." He says from right behind her making her jump a bit. She places her hand on her chest and laughs a bit. He chuckles and gestures with his arm. "Follow me, please." And she does just that. He leads her deep into the house and down into what appeared to be a cellar but was made into a large study. A plush red couch sat on one side, opposite a wall of books, and a massive dark wood desk was at the far end of the room.

She roamed over to the books as he went to stand behind his desk. She gently ran her fingers over the spines of the books trying to read their names but each book was in another language. "Taehyung, what language are these?" She asked him without looking at him.

"Latin, Egyptian, Greek, Sanskrit, all kinds really." He replied smoothly.

"You can read all of this?" She turned to look at him. He had his back to her.

"Yes, and I can speak it too. It's a necessity for what I do."

"What do you do by the way? I don't think I ever caught it." She asked curiously, still not seeing what he was staring at.

"A bit of this, a bit of that. Commune with the dead, cast some spells."

She laughed. "Come on, Tae. What do you really do?"

He turned and gave her an icy glare. "Don't... Call me Tae." His voice was deadly and she gulped.

"I-I'm sorry. I just thought i-it would be c-cute." She stuttered.

"Well, it's not. Not from you at least." Hurt lanced through her as he turned back around and looked at the painting hanging on his wall. Her eyes flicked to it, just now noticing the elaborate and high detailed painting. Her eyes widened as she saw the two figures in the painting. Taehyung and... Her! Or at least it looked just like her! But there was something different. Something in the eyes.

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