Jin - Dancing With Your Ghost

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This is inspired by Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan

Warning! Lots of feels I'm very sorry

You sat on your couch, staring at nothing in particular. The house felt cold and empty despite it being filled with warm looking furniture and happy pictures. Your house used to be filled with yours and his laughter but it hasn't been that way for months. Because he's not here anymore you haven't felt like laughing much. Neither of you wanted him to go but you couldn't prevent what happened.

You both were on your way home from a night out with friends. Everything was normal. The moon was peaking out from behind the clouds and the night was peaceful. You and him rode in comfortable silence as the lights of surrounding cars glowed like earthbound stars. He reached over a hand and grabbed one of yours that was resting in yours lap. You looked over at him with a small smile and he returned it, giving your hand a small squeeze. You closed your eyes after whispered 'I love you's.'

You had woken up in the hospital with a massive headache and no recollection of how you got there. You looked around and saw the guys passed out in chairs surrounding your bed, the closest being Namjoon. You tried to sit up but groaned in pain.

"Hey, don't get up." Namjoon said as he gently eased you back down. The commotion woke everyone up and they all gathered around you with worried looks. "How are you feeling?"

"Like hell." That made everyone chuckle a bit before what you said next. "What happened?"

They shared a troubled look before Namjoon cleared his throat and looked at you with sad eyes. "You uh... You were in a car accident. Q drunk driver collided with you and you were rushed the hospital. You have a concussion and several cuts and bruises."

"Where's Jin? Is he okay?" You got nothing but silence and that made you extremely worried. "Guys? Where is he?" A few sniffles answered you and they avoided your gaze. Your heart dropped and dread settled in your stomach as your mind tried to fight it. "He's okay right? He has to be okay."

"I'm so sorry." Namjoon said faintly.

Tears started to fill your eyes. "No. No, no, no. He's fine. He's fine, he's just hiding right? This is just one of his weird jokes? It's not funny." Everyone looked at you with sorrow filled eyes. The situation was hard enough but your denial was heartbreaking for them. You started to so as your mind continued to deny what your heart already knew. Your sobs sounded into the halls as the boys gathered into a massive group hug around you.

"But we didn't get to say goodbye."

You didn't cry as much as you did those first few weeks. You yelled and screamed in your room surrounded by his memory. It was so hard because all you wanted was for him to hold you and comfort you but he couldn't do that anymore and a new wave of pain shot through you every time you remembered this. The emptiness would keep you up all night with the crushing weight of it. When you finally accepted what happened you tried your best to cope with it. You would hug his pillow and tell yourself that you were fine, that you were and would be alright.

Only a couple of weeks ago could you look at a picture of him without breaking down completely. Around the same time, wanting to hear his voice again, you had found a record he had made and given you for an anniversary that had your song on it. When you were down or when he was feeling playful he would put it on and when your song started he would take your hand and slowly spin you which always earned a giggle for you. You would dance around the living room until the song was over and sometimes he would play it over again.

Looking up from your spot on the couch you looked at the record player with the record ready to be played. You got up and placed the needle down. Music filled the room and you and you gently swayed. You had done this every night since you found it. Your song finally reached your ears and you held your hand out and did a slow spin like he used to. You closed your eyes as you swayed to the music. A small smile found its way on your face as you felt a familiar warmth around you. Opening your eyes your smile grew as you saw his familiar grin.

"Hey." He said in a near whisper.

"Hey." You said just as quietly.

"How are you doing?"

You slightly rolled your eyes. "How do you think?"

"You have to move on."

"I can't. It hurts so much. How am I supposed to love anyone like you? I was never scared with you. I never worried about getting hurt. How can I trust someone else with my heart?"

"You don't have to and I don't expect you to. I don't think I could either. Just don't lock yourself away from everyone. You need them and they need you."

You nodded. "Okay. For you."

He smiled. "Thank you."

You danced in silence for a few seconds before you spoke again. "You know I'll always be yours."

"I like the sound of that. You always being my girl." He smirked and you laughed a little. "I love you."

You closed your eyes as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. When you opened your eyes the song was over and he was gone. "I love you too." You sighed and moved to the record player and removed the needle. You turned off the lights and went to your room. You climbed under the sheets and hugged his pillow. Closing your eyes you made plans to call the boys in the morning to hang out together. With a small smile you drifted off to sleep to meet Jin in the land of dreams.

I'M SORRY! I KNOW THIS WAS PRETTY SAD BUT I LOVE THIS SONG AND I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF T^T I'm sorry take my love to possibly make up for it \(T^T)/

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