Taehyung - Social Media Crush

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Taehyung walks around the dorm with a small smile constantly present on his face. Sometimes he's called several times to get his attention because he's spaced out. Every now and again he'll let out a dreamy sigh. His brothers wonder what is on his mind for him to be like this all the time.

"Do you think it's a girl?" Jimin asks Jin while he cooks.

Jin glances at Tae, who is sitting at the table and smiling at his phone, and shrugs. "Could be. Whatever it is I'm glad that he's happy."

Jimin nods. "Me too. I remember he used to get sad after seeing negative comments on social media. But lately he's been smiling even after reading them."

"How do you know he still is?" Jin questioned.

"I saw over his shoulder one day and I saw it. But then he smiled at something. I didn't get to see what it was."

"Maybe it's a girl who leaves positive comments?" Jimin shrugged and they both let it drop. Little did they know they were actually right in a way. It was a girl and she was leaving comments. They were positive but they were also defensive. She was defending Tae from the antis with everything she had and he could see it.

He had let his hair grow a bit and some didn't like that.

Ew is he growing the mullet again? No! Trim it! It looks weird!

Yeah no Tae you need to cut that off. It doesn't look good.

There were many more comments like this but one comment stuck out from them all.

I personally love the long hair but it's not up to us what Tae does with his hair! It's his. Not ours. Whatever he chooses I love.

He's seen comments like this before of course but for some unknown reason this one stuck the most in his mind and heart. The username was BangtansY/n. (like TaesWolfie because I cAnT tHiNk Of A bEtTeR uSeRnAmE)

Tae has seen her name before defending the other members as well and it made him happy but he was extra happy when she was speaking about him. He knew it was strange but he couldn't help but be excited anytime he saw her name. He also couldn't help looking at her profile.

She looked cute and goofy and just an all around fun person. She posted supportive things of Bangtan and funny pictures of her and friends and family. She also posted scenery photos she took herself.

He couldn't help himself starting to have a crush on her even though he knew he would probably never meet her in person. He was sad about that but he was content just seeing her through the phone and reading her words.

Oh my gosh! Taehyung's voice is so amazing! It's deeper than the Mariana Trench! (I say this ALL THE TIME! IT'S SO TRUE!)

Such an amazing dancer! He deserves to be in the dance line!

His solo song is amazing! I've listened to it on repeat for a few hours now and I'll never get tired of it!

Sometimes he wonders if she's in the crowd when they have a concert. He wonders if she's watching him perform his best for her even if she doesn't know it. He wonders if he'll ever get to catch a glimpse in person.

He still wonders where she is when him and his brothers are at a fan meet. He's the last in the line so he doesn't really see who is coming to him next until they're right in front of him. He especially doesn't see who's in front of him when he bends down to pick up his pen as he says, "Hi. I'm V."

He doesn't see until they respond with, "Hi. I'm Y/n."

He jerks up with wide eyes, not really believing he just heard what she said. Not believing until he sees her face. Still not really believing until she holds out her hand for a shake. He finally believes when he actually feels her hand in his and sees her bright smile. He gives her the biggest smile he can muster in return.

Then she shyly hands him an album. "Could you sign this please?" She asks. He nods enthusiastically and takes it from her to sign. It makes him happy to see six other signatures as well. She really does love all of them equally. He wonders, maybe if he could talk to her more, if she would come to love him a bit more than the others.

Love him more than a fan to an idol.

Love him in that special way that's reserved for only a special few.

His cheeks slightly warm at the thought and on a whim he decides to sneak an extra piece of paper with her signed album. A piece of paper that held a number and a note.

I'd like to get to know you more outside of your nice comments on social media ^_^

She says goodbye and walks away, the paper unnoticed until it slips and flutters down to the ground. He watches as she picks it up with a confused look. She scans the note and her eyes widen. When she looks back at him he's looking back at her with a smile. To show her it's real he winks and her cheeks turn red. A small smile makes it's way onto her face as she gives him a small nod.

Maybe he wouldn't have to wonder after all. Maybe he'll actually get to see her more often in person than on social media. Maybe she'll fall for him like he already has for her. He hoped so.

He'd soon find out that he never had to wonder or think of 'maybes' and 'what ifs'. She would love him just as much as he did her. She would love him in that special way that he always wished for. She would love him forever and he would do the same.

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