Namjoon - Little Surprise

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This was requested by eternalnamjoon
Thank you for requesting! <3
This has a custom name but you can replace it with yours ^w^

It's been almost two months since Namjoon left for tour. As expected you both miss each other a lot and are talking to each other on your phones at every opportunity. But you've been purposefully talking to him a bit less this past week. You weren't upset at him but you made him think you were.

Your third anniversary was soon and he wouldn't be home for it. You'd already been planning to go to his concert on your anniversary for a surprise but things have happened and now it was a double surprise. I can't say yet what it is but I'm sure you can guess.

While you're on your way to him, Namjoon was becoming more and more worried. "Why isn't she answering?" He asked no one in particular.

"You know how Helly is Joon." Jin said. "Something important probably came up and she can't spare time."

Namjoon sighed. "Yeah probably. I just miss her."

Jin had to hide a small laugh. He knew why you weren't talking to Namjoon and he knew what you were doing right now. Everyone including the staff knew but Namjoon. Namjoon would have noticed earlier something was up if he wasn't so caught up in you.

During the first half of the concert you were hidden in the crowd singing and cheering like everyone else. The second half was spent backstage setting up your surprise and hiding from Namjoon between songs. They were backstage for a bit before it came time for them to say their thank yous and goodbyes.

The boys took turns until it was finally Namjoon's. He held the mic up and sighed with a smile. "ARMY! I had a lot of fun with all of you tonight. I'm sorry if I seem a bit sad today. You see today is my third anniversary with my beautiful wife Helly and I'm not able to spend it with her." He coughed to clear the growing lump in his throat. "I wish she could have come but she has her own job back home. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for spending the day with me when I couldn't with her."

Jin took the mic from him as the crowd cheered for Namjoon. Then Jin spoke again. "Namjoon. We know you're sad that you're not home with Helly but we have a small surprise for you that might cheer you up." Jin signaled someone off stage and the big screens came to life.

Your smiling face filled the screens. You had prerecorded a video message for Namjoon as if you were still home. His eyes widened as you started speaking.

"Hi Joonie! Happy anniversary darling. I know you're sad that you're not home with me and I am too. That's why I have a little surprise for you. Since you can't come to me I came to you. Turn around darling."

While Namjoon was distracted by the video the boys quietly helped you on stage and you stood behind him. When he finally turned around you smiled at him and he immediately pulled you into a hug.

"I missed you." He mumbled into your neck.

"I missed you too. But you need to look at the screen again. The video wasn't over." This was picked up by the microphones and the crowd filled with excited chatter. The boys looked at each other confused. You had one more surprise that you didn't tell anyone about. The video started to play again.

"That isn't the only surprise I have for you. While planning this little trip I got a little surprise of my own. I kept this secret from the boys as well. Sorry." You giggled lightly. "I thought it would be a good idea to share this with everyone here tonight." You held up a white stick with a little plus sign on it.

Cheers erupted everywhere around you and you could barely hear the boys congratulate you and Namjoon. Namjoon had the biggest smile on his face as he picked up in a hug and spun you around.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He yelled into the microphone which then triggered another round of ear shattering cheers. He pulled you closer to him and kissed you before resting his forehead on yours.

"Happy anniversary Joon."

"Happy anniversary Helly."

And we are done! It took a bit to think of an idea and I hope this was good enough. I hope this is what you had in mind Helly. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I love you <3

Also thank you for 3K+ reads! It means a lot to me thank you ^3^ I love you all <3

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