Jimin - Prom Night

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You smiled at the excited girls who had just bought their dresses for prom. You had heard them chatting about it the whole time that you had helped them find and try on dresses. They thanked you as they left and you watched them go with a wistful smile on your face.

Ah prom night. The one night of the year most girls in highschool look forward to. The night where they can wear a pretty dress and possibly dance with their crush. A magical night where they might get their first kiss.

At least that's what you thought it was. You didn't really know yourself because you didn't get to go to prom when you were younger. You were sick a lot when you were younger and had to be home schooled for your highschool years.

You weren't mad or bitter just disappointed that you had to miss it. Although you weren't too disappointed. Being in and out of hospital allowed you to meet your wonderful boyfriend. Park Jimin.

He was a volunteer at the hospital you frequented on weekends. He would go to the rooms of the older patients and would spend time with them by playing board games or reading to them.

You had noticed him and thought he was very sweet for doing what he did. You never talked to him because who would want to talk to a sick girl? Although you didn't know this at the time Jimin did want to talk to you.

He had seen you often at the hospital and thought you were pretty. He wondered why he had never noticed you at school. He started talking to you and found out about why he had never met you before.

Soon he started visiting you along with the other patients. He even visited you during the week after he was done with school for the day. Because of this you started to like him but you didn't know if you would ever get better so you never told him.

Little did you know that he also started to like you too. Every time he visited you he planned to confess but he would always lose his nerve. What if you rejected him? He didn't want to lose your friendship.

On Jimin's graduation day you were finally discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health. Jimin didn't know yet and you wanted to surprise him by going to his graduation. You also planned to confess.

You had put on a pretty sundress and let your hair down. You bought him some flowers and made your way to his school. You waited nervously by the gates for him. When he saw you he thought it was a hallucination but when he realized it wasn't he ran to you and hugged you.

You told him your happy news and confessed at the same time. At first he didn't realize what you had said but when he did he was over the moon happy. Acting on that happiness he kissed you. It was both yours and Jimin's first kiss.

You both only broke apart when you heard whistles and teasing coming from his group of friends. You all became fast friends because Jimin had told you about his them and he told them about you.

You and Jimin have been together for four years now. You even share an apartment together. You thought that you couldn't get any happier.

Tonight was prom night and you were busy at work helping girls get last minute additions to their outfits. When you got home all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch with Jimin and watch rom-coms but he wasn't home.

"Jimin?" You called thinking he might be asleep. You walked into your bedroom and found a white box sitting on your bed with a note.

Jagi I have a surprise for you. No I'm not going to tell you what it is and no you can't ask the boys what it is either. I will tell you that you need to dress fancy so wear what's in the box. A car will pick you up at 7 so be ready by then. I'll see you soon. I love you.
- Jimin

You smiled at the note and wondered why you needed to dress up. You set the note aside and opened the box.

This dress was inside.

(forgive me i'm terrible and describing clothes

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(forgive me i'm terrible and describing clothes.)

Your smile got bigger as you looked at the dress. If he even bought a dress for you he must have thought of everything. You looked at the clock and saw that it was less than an hour till 7 so you got ready.

(you wear the earrings in the photo and you can have your hair the same as well or whatever style you like.)

You sat on the couch waiting for the car Jimin said would come. At 7 exactly there was a knock on your door. You opened it and laughed seeing Taehyung in chauffeurs outfit.

"Your ride awaits mi'lady." He said slightly bowing to the car behind him. You followed him and he opened the car door for you. He got into the drivers seat and started to drive.

"Tae where are we going?" You asked.

He shook his head. "Sorry Y/n. Jimin said not to tell you." You rolled your eyes but still smiled letting it go. After a few minutes the car stopped and Taehyung opened your door and helped you out.

You were in an empty park. It was practically deserted. There was no one here. You looked at Taehyung. "Why are we here?"

"You are here to follow those." He pointed to the ground. You looked down and saw a trail of rose petals leading further into the park. You looked back at Taehyung but he was already in the car driving off.

With no other choice you followed the trail of petals. You kept your eyes on the ground making sure you didn't trip on anything. You were considering complaining to Jimin about making you walk in the near dark when you saw him again. That was until it started to get brighter and you gasped when you looked up.

Jimin was standing with his hands behind his back in a gazebo lit up with fairy lights

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Jimin was standing with his hands behind his back in a gazebo lit up with fairy lights. He was wearing a tux with a tie the same color as your dress.

(imagine Jimin is standing in the gazebo)

Yoongi was softly playing a piano behind the gazebo. Jimin smiled at you as you walked up to him. He brought a corsage from behind him and put it on your wrist.

"Jimin. What is all this?" You asked.

He gave you a smile that made his eyes squint. "It's prom night." You smiled as he held out his hand. You placed your hand in his and put your other one on his shoulder while his other hand went to your waist.

You both moved in a slow dance lost in each others eyes. You were so absorbed in Jimin that you didn't notice the music stopped until you saw movement in the corner of your eyes. You looked and saw your friends holding small signs.

Y/n. Will. You. Marry. Me. ?.

You looked back at Jimin and he watched you nervously. You could tell he was afraid you'd say no. "Seriously Chim? After all this time you think I'd say no?"

"So is that a yes?" He asked uncertainly. You chuckled and pecked him lightly on the lips.

"Yes Park Jimin. I will marry you." He smiled and lifted you in a twirling hug while kissing you. Your friends cheered and you both pulled apart laughing. After they congratulated you they left so you and Jimin could be alone.

You sat together looking at the stars. He put his arm around your shoulders and held you close. "Thank you for this Chim." You said.

"Anything for you. I know it's not the prom you always thought of."

"No. It's perfect. I love you Jimin."

"I love you too Y/n."

You had thought that you couldn't be happier. Well you were wrong. You could get much, much happier.


I'll be honest this one was kinda for my own benefit and kinda reflects me and my wishes. Because of personal and health problems I was home schooled so I never had the opportunity to go to prom. It would be so nice if my future boyfriend or girlfriend (that's right I'm bi) did something like this. Or just anything period. I kinda doubt I'll ever have someone do this though. I mean I'm almost 19 and have never kissed anyone before. I'm not very social so I don't even really come into contact with people so 😐. Anyways I'll stop boring you with my life now haha! I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for reading!

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