Hoseok - Second Chances

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He sat in your shared room on the bed crying. He'd been doing this since that day. The day he found out you died. He cried because it was his fault and he missed you. He wished he had another chance to fix everything. To go back and change what he had done.

"Hoseok? How could you do that?" You had asked with tears in your eyes.

"Y/n it was a mistake. I didn't mean to kiss her. I thought it was you! Please. Give me a second chance." He tried to make excuses for himself.

You gave in. "You have one more chance." You knew you shouldn't but he was your everything. Your world would be dark without your sunshine.

A few months went by and everything was back to normal. Hoseok and his bandmates had gone to a party to celebrate the release of one of their newest songs. You couldn't go because you were working.

By the time you made it to their dorm the party was already ending. You made your way to Hoseok's room to apologize. You were about to open the door when you heard moans. That couldn't be Hoseok right? Your heart dropped when you opened the door and saw what you feared most.

"Hoseok?" You cried.

He looked at you with wide eyes. "Y/n. I'm not- this isn't-" He got off the girl and covered himself as he tried to explain. You were even more hurt when you saw that it was the same girl he had kissed before.

"How could you do this?! Again?!" You yelled. He tried to say something but you cut him off. "I don't want to hear it! We're through! I never want to see you again!"

You turned and ran from the house ignoring his calls. You knew he was drunk, you could smell all the alcohol, but that can't excuse what he did.

You ran down the sidewalk blinded by tears. You started to cross the street not noticing that the walking light had already turned red. You heard a honk, the screech of tires and a few screams. You turned your head and saw headlights before everything went black.

You died instantly.

When he found out he screamed and yelled that it wasn't true. When he couldn't deny it anymore he locked himself in your shared apartment and surrounded himself with memories of you.

You were everywhere he looked. You smiled at him from the kitchen, you laughed at a show while on the couch, you playfully threw a shirt at him to hurry him up.

He wished he could go back. Keep himself from making those stupid decisions that made you run from him. He wanted to hold you again like he did before when everything was okay. But he couldn't. You were gone.

In the middle of the night he left the apartment and wandered the streets. He didn't know where he wanted to go until he found himself on a roof. You always liked looking at the city nightscape.

He thought if he looked a certain way he could see you smiling at him. He stepped onto the edge to see you better. He reached for you and suddenly he was falling. He closed his eyes and thought of you, wishing he had a second chance.

He opened his eyes and it was morning. He sat up in bed wondering how he got there when something caught his eye. The date on the calendar was wrong. It said it was months earlier than it should be. The day he made his first mistake.

He looked around the too bright room and nearly stopped breathing when he looked beside him. You were laying in bed next to him fast asleep. There was a piece of paper in your hand. He looked at it and silent tears fell down his cheeks.

You have one more chance

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