Jin - Beauty and the Beast Part 2

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This is the second part to the request from fandomsel I hope you enjoy!

Y/n spent the night at Jin's. She had done it so many times before that the guest room she always slept in was practically her room and quite a few pairs of clothes and a few toiletries were also there. The next day she knocked on Jin's door to check on him but he just roared a "Go away!" so she did with a sigh. She went down to the kitchen and looked at the rose.

Carefully she counted the petals. Well as many as she could see before they started curling in on themselves in the center. But she could guess. 52.

52 petals.

52 weeks.

One year.

One petal will fall each week until the year was up. Or at least that's what she's guessing. And she was right.

Three months flew by and 15 petals have fallen. That means only 37 are left. She kept them in a glass bowl next to the vase. Jin had locked himself in his room, only opening his door when Y/n brought him food, and cut himself off from everything. Meanwhile Y/n had been doing whatever she could to figure out how to break his curse. I mean, you'd think finding someone to say "I love you" to Mr. Worldwide Handsome popular boy himself would be easy, right? Wrong.

Turns out people may like Jin but they don't love him. Not in the way Wolfie specified. Some even hate him! Y/n quickly discovered that what Wolfie had said at the party was true. Jin was, on the most part, an egotistical douche who treats unpopular people like crap. But that's not the Jin she knew.

The Jin she knew was thoughtful, actually cared about people and was nice. He once spent three days with her when she came down with a little cold and wasn't really able to take care of herself. She knew he was a better person than who he showed to others. But she wondered why he had never shown her his mean side. There must be a reason. Right?

And there was. Y/n is Jin's closest and best friend and he never wanted to lose her. So he made sure that she never saw, heard or even thought that he could be mean like that. He learned too much from his absent father about keeping people at arms length and how to treat people 'lower' than him but he could never do that to her.

Despite what she saw and learned Y/n still stayed with him through those first few months. She took a break from school, like people thought Jin was doing, and lived in his house with him. Once the fourth month started creeping around she turned her focus from searching for an answer to just getting him to talk to her.

"Jin?" She stood outside of his door. "Jin, please. Let me in."

"Just go Y/n. I don't know why you've stayed this long but you can go now. It's fine. I'm just gonna be stuck like this forever."

"Don't say that! There's still eight months left. I'm sure we'll find an answer by then."

"The witch already gave us an answer. Someone has to say they love me and by now I'm sure you've found out no one does."

"Well you can't just stay locked away forever!" She was starting to get annoyed with his behavior. "Even if you stay like this, what kind of life is it to wallow in self pity like you are!"

She didn't flinch as his door flew open and saw his angry face that matched hers. His towering frame added more to his intimidating stature but she was unfazed. "What life is it to look like this? If I want to wallow then let me!"

"I'm not gonna just let you sit in there by yourself while I've been searching for months for answers!"

"I didn't ask you to stay here and do that! I'd rather you stayed away and left me alone!"

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