Jin - iRobot Part 1

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This is inspired by iRobot by Jon Bellion.

Your pov


Darkness surrounded you until a voice called to you. Y/n? Is that my name? You felt a small zap in your mind. It didn't hurt, it just prompted information. Yes.

The voice called to you again. "Can you hear me Y/n?"

Another zap. This time another voice answered. "Yes." It sounded lifeless and monotone. You couldn't really tell where it came from until you realized it was you.

"Good. I need you to sit up and open your eyes. We need to test your motor skills."

Suddenly light filled your vision. A white ceiling and a bright light greeted you. Your eyes adjusted immediately to the brightness as you sat up. You were in a white room with various medical tools and instruments scattered around surfaces. You were on a cold metal slab table. Or at least you assumed it was cold. You couldn't feel it.

A man wearing medical clothes and a mask entered your vision. He grabbed your arm and proceeded to move it in different angles. The man cursed under his breath when your arm went a certain way you didn't think it should. Shouldn't that hurt? You felt a zap in your mind again. No. You accepted that it shouldn't hurt, therefore it didn't.

You opened your eyes with a start.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Your master asked.

You looked at him and slightly tilted your head calculating your response. "I don't know." You said a bit slowly.

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you broken?" His voice registered a bit of concern.

"I don't know. While I was recharging images flashed in my mind."

"You mean you were dreaming?" His voice registered slight surprise.

*Zap.* Yes. "Yes. I was dreaming."

"Isn't that impossible? Androids can't dream can they?"

"Yes. It is impossible. No. Androids can not dream." You replied.

"Hmm." He put his hand on his chin thoughtfully. "That's interesting. For now we'll keep this to ourselves. Don't tell anyone that you were dreaming."

"Yes Master."

"And I thought I told you not to call me that. It makes me feel weird. Call me Jin instead."

"Yes Jin."

You both were silent until it was time for Jin to go to work. You wore a plain white shirt and jeans like you did everyday. This was standard clothing for androids like you. Master- *zap* Jin wore jeans, a simple turtleneck and glasses with his lab coat.

Jin worked as a scientist and doctor. He worked on making robotic replacements for humans who lost an arm or need a new kidney. Of course prosthetics exist for amputees but Jin is trying to make pieces that will bond permanently with the human. The limbs are becoming a great success it's the organs that are a bit more difficult.

Since he was always so focused on his work you were with him to make sure he took care of himself. You didn't know who sent you to be with Jin and you don't know who made you. All you knew was your job was to take care of him.

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