Yoongi - Dating Rumor Part 2

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Y/n's pov

I was packing my suitcase when there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see my brother looking at me worried.

"Y/n I came as soon as you called. What's wrong?" He asked as he followed me back to my room. He saw my suitcase and the things I still need to pack. "What's all this?"

"Remember that job offer in (someplace because author can't think) that I told you about?" he nodded. "I'm taking it."

"What? Why are you moving so far away?"

"Better pay plus I might be able to build my own company if I go." I wasn't telling the whole truth and he could tell.

"Y/n what's really going on?" He gave me the 'tell me or else' look.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted. I couldn't stand that look.

His eyes got wide as he smiled and swung me around in a hug. "I'm gonna be an uncle!"

I laughed. "Jin oppa! Put me down you're gonna make me dizzy!"

He sat me down still smiling. "Yoongi's the father right?"

"Of course. I've never been with anyone else but him."

His smile faded. "Wait. Then that means you two... ewww!" He scrunched up his face in mock disgust. He laughed his famous windshield wiper laugh when I rolled my eyes. "Does he know?"

I shook my head. I was sad talking about Yoongi. It still hurt what he said to me. Jin oppa saw that I was sad.

"Hey. What's wrong." I told him what happened between me and Yoongi. He was mad that Yoongi called me a bitch but I calmed him down.

"That's why you're leaving." He said.

"Yes. Just until Baek and IU come out about their relationship."

Only me and Jin knew about them. I know about them because I was the one producing their collab together. They liked each other and I got Jin's help to set them up. The photo from the article was actually me helping Baekhyun pick out a present for her.

"This isn't right. You're suffering because of this stupid photo." Jin said hugging me.

I smiled at him. "I'll be okay oppa. Don't worry."

"You're my dongsaeng. It's my job to worry."

"I have a favor to ask though."

"What is it?"

"Don't tell anyone about the baby. Not even the boys especially Yoongi. Because of the rumors everyone will just think it's Baek's. It'll hurt too much to see Yoongi knowing he'll think that."

I know he didn't want to but he agreed. "I'm going to be there for you when the baby comes okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."


Eight months later

Jin had come to take care of me in my last week of pregnancy. Before that he called me every week to make sure I was taking care of myself and the baby properly. All he told the boys was that he was spending some time with me.

I was still able to work thankfully or else I would have focused too much on how lonely I was. Being in a new city without anyone I knew was difficult but I made it through and I even made a few friends. Luckily news of my pregnancy didn't spread back to Seoul so no new rumors could appear.

Soon after Jin came I went into labor. The doctors let him stay in the room with me and I held his hand. It hurt so bad!

"Jin I'm scared." I said as I cried. He pet my head and kissed my forehead.

"I know. It's gonna be okay."

A few hours go by and I'm finally holding my precious little wonder. "She's so tiny!" I whisper yelled.

"She's beautiful Y/n." Jin hugged me and placed a kiss on both of our foreheads. "What's her name?"

I thought for a moment. "Yoonji. Min Yoonji." Yoonji smiled. "You like your name?" She cooed.

"I guess that's a yes." Jin laughed. Then he looked at me sadly. "Why don't you just tell people the truth about you and Baekhyun?"

"It's not my secret to share oppa. I'm not going to break their trust."

He sighed. "You're too nice for your own good."


Two years later

I came back to Seoul a few months after Yoonji was born. I decided to build a good future for her. I built my own music company and became very successful. It mirrored my brothers success as well.

News spread quickly about my daughter and I made sure that they only knew her as Ji. Because of that, like I predicted, people assumed she was Baekhyun's. And like I thought Yoongi thought she was as well. Jin told me Yoongi was upset when he found out.

Jin visited me and Yoonji. Slowly the boys started visiting us as well. They only knew her as Ji as well.

"Ms. Kim. Sangchul is here." My assistant said. I nodded and thanked her and she left.

"Ji honey wanna see Sangchul?" I asked my daughter who was playing on the floor of my office. She jumped up from her spot and ran to me smiling.

"Sang-ie oppa! Sang-ie oppa!" She cheered. I laughed and picked her up. We went down to the recording studio.

I set her down and she ran to Sangchul. He picked her up and twirled her around. "How are you Ji?" He asked her.

"I'm good." She giggled. He set her down and she climbed into a chair to play.

Sangchul stepped into the booth and started to sing. We had to restart a few times because he was having difficulties.

After stopping for the fifth time he sighed. "I'm sorry Y/n noona. I don't know what's wrong with me today."

"It's okay Chul-ah. You just need to relax. You're pushing yourself to sound perfect but you don't need to be. You just need to sound like you."

"How do I do that?" He asked.

"Just imagine that you're singing to your mother. She likes the way you sound when you're being yourself right?" He nodded. "Okay let's start again but remember what I said."

This time he did it perfectly. I congratulated him and me and Yoonji went back to my office. I was just about ready to go home for the day when Jin called me.

"Hi oppa."

"Y/n! Did you hear the news?" He sounded excited.

"No. What news?"

"Baekhyun and IU are engaged! You have to watch the video!"

"Okay okay hold on let me pull it up."

Was this really happening? Did they finally come out? I opened my laptop and pulled up a video. Baekhyun and IU were together and smiling.

Me and IU are engaged as of today. We've been together for almost three years now and we're very happy together. And we want to apologize to our good friend Kim Y/n for everything we've made her go through because of us. She's the one who brought us together and kept our secret all of this time. The day we were seen together she was helping me pick a gift for IU. It was not a date and her beautiful daughter is not mine.

"Y/n? Are you still there?" Jin said over the phone. I almost forgot we were talking.

"Uh yes I'm here."

"This is great isn't it?"

"Yeah! It is."

He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "He saw the video."

I knew exactly who he was talking about. "And?"

"He's mad at himself as you'd expect."

"He still doesn't know."

"No. He thinks you might have fallen for someone else by now."

"Oppa I have to go for now. I'll talk to you later."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I put a hand to my mouth as a few tears fell down my cheeks. Yoonji saw me crying and came to me.

"Why are you sad mama?" She asked me worried.

I picked her up and sat her in my lap. "I'm not sad baby. These are happy tears."

"Is it because of what the oppa was saying?" I nodded. "What does it mean?"

"It means you get to finally meet your daddy."

She gasped. "Really?"


"Yay!" She threw her tiny arms around my neck.

I never hid anything from Yoonji. I made sure she knew who her father was even if he wasn't around. I was happy that she'd finally get to meet him. I still loved him but I didn't expect us to get back together once he knew the truth. I never dated anyone else because Yoongi always had my heart even if he didn't want it.

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