Yoongi - Comfort

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This was requested by Ahnsornhan my amazing brother! Thank you for requesting!

It was a day like any other day. The sun was shining and people were laughing and talking together. But it all seemed blurred for you today. You got a call half an hour ago and had been crying non stop since. You couldn't believe your grandmother had passed away.

She was your everything growing up. Your parents were always busy so she had taken care of you and raised you in their place. She was like a second mother for you. She seemed okay when you last visited her. You couldn't understand how she could just die. But she didn't just die. Apparently her health had been fading even while you had seen her. She knew her time was coming and didn't want you to worry so she kept it from you until the end.

No one could console you right now. Not your family, not your friends. There was only one person you knew could help heal this empty aching inside you. Yoongi. He was the only one who could stop your tears for a while. He was at work right now but he always tells you that you can go to him whenever so you did.

You took the bus, not trusting yourself to drive to the building. You didn't even give mind to the varying strange and pitying looks people gave you. All you had on your mind was your grandmother and Yoongi. You got off the bus and made your way inside. Security and staff let you through because they recognized you.

You practically ran to Yoongi's studio when you got to the right floor. You quickly punched in the passcode Yoongi had given you before and went in. Yoongi was sitting at his desk, headphones on and a pen in his hand while scribbling on a piece of paper. Probably working on a new song. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should actually interrupt him.

The decision was made for you when he glanced up at his computer screen and saw your reflection. He he took the head phones off and turned to you with a smile on his face. The smile quickly fell into a look of concern when he saw your red eyes and tear stained face.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked, getting up from his chair and walking to you.

It came rushing back to you and you practically collapsed in his arms. He slightly grunted at the sudden action but caught you and held you. "M-my g-gran. S-s-she d-d-" You couldn't even get the words out. You didn't want to. Saying it made it more real.

He understood even though you couldn't speak right. He tightened his grip on you and stroked your hair. "Shh. It's okay now, Y/n. It's okay."

He slowly stepped backwards, not letting go of you, and guided you both until he was in the chair and you were on his lap. He rocked you and muttered calming words until your crying had slowed to small whimpers. When he was sure you were calm enough he stopped rocking and adjusted to look at you.

"Better now?" He asked.

You nodded. "Much. I just- I can't believe it."

"I know. I'm sorry about this. But she's not gone forever. As long as you keep her in your heart she will always stay with you, watching over you, no matter what."

You nodded again with a small smile. "I know."

"I'm sorry I can't do more for you." He said as you nuzzled your face into his chest again.

"No. This is perfect. Thank you Yoongi."

He kissed the top of your head. "Anything for you."


How was that? Good? I think so ^-^ I hope this is what you had in mind brother. It's not very long but I think it's long enough.

As always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I love you!

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