Jungkook + Jimin - His Girlfriend

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"Are you sure it's okay?" Jungkook asked over the phone.

You nodded even though he couldn't see. "Yeah it's fine. If you have important business then you need to take care of that first. We can set up a date for another time."

"Thank you. I love you Y/n." He hung up before you could answer.

You sadly looked at the phone in your hand. "I love you too."

This is the umpteenth time that he's canceled on your date together. You understood that he was busy with work but this was too often to just be that. You had a feeling that something else was going on. You didn't want to think it but all the evidence pointed to it. He might be cheating.

It's not just canceled dates that tipped you off. A few times he had said he was busy with work when his bandmate, and your childhood friend, Jimin said he wasn't. Jungkook has also been seen hanging out with a girl that wasn't you without telling you.

You thought that maybe she was just a friend but your gut told you otherwise. Jimin also suspected that Jungkook wasn't being honest. As Jungkook started to get more and more distant you prepared yourself for what you suspected was coming.

You sighed as you looked around the park. You were supposed to meet up here and go to the mall. You were already dressed up and out so you decided to go to the mall by yourself.

You had gotten a small snack before you walked around trying to pick what shop you would go in. You decided on a dress shop that you liked. You looked around at the different patterns and styles.

You were thinking of trying something on when a pretty girl came out of a dressing room. She twirled in front of a man who was waiting for her.

"What do you think baby?" She said.

"You look beautiful." You froze. That voice. You looked more closely at the man and all your suspicions were confirmed. It was Jungkook.

The girl giggled. "You say that all the time." Then she spotted you looking. "What do you think?"

You smiled. "It looks really good on you."

"Y/n?" Jungkook's eyes went wide as he looked at you.

The girl looked at him confused. "You know her?"

You stepped forward and shook the girl's hand. "Hi. I'm Y/n. You know Jungkook?"

She smiled. "I'm Mina. I'm his girlfriend."

"Ah I see." You said nodding your head. "It makes sense now." Jungkook kept quiet all this time. Either from shock about you being here or from shame of what's happening, you had no idea.

She looked at you quizzical. "I'm sorry but how do you know Jungkook?"

You quickly glanced at his scared expression and smiled at Mina. "I'm just a friend from Jimin."

She smiled. "Oh you're a friend of Jimin's? Then that means you're my friend too."

"I guess it does. I have to get going now." You looked between Mina and Jungkook and smiled. "Have fun on your date. You look good together."

She thanked you as you left the store and made your way home. Jungkook didn't try to stop you and you didn't expect him to. You silently packed what things he left at your place as tears flowed down your cheeks. When you finished you called Jimin.

"Hey Y/n. I thought you were on a date with Jungkook?" He said.

"Jimin." Your voice sounded strained and he instantly knew something was wrong.

"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"We were right." You didn't say any more than that. You knew he'd understand.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." He hung up and you sat on your couch waiting.

Soon he walked into your house and sat on the couch with you and held you while you cried. "It's okay Y/n. I'm here now. I'm here for you." You two sat there for a while until you stopped crying. He took Jungkook's things like you asked and came right back to you. He didn't want you to be alone.

You two sat on your couch looking at but not really watching what was on tv. "What hurts the most, Jimin, is that he still said 'I love you' while he was going on a date with her." You spoke quietly. All your energy had been spent crying.

Jimin put an arm over your shoulders and hugged you. "I know."

Months passed and you were getting over the heartbreak of finding out the truth. It helped having Jimin by your side. He spent whatever spare time he had with you and when he didn't have time he would text you making sure you were alright.

One night Jimin took you out for a movie and a walk around the park. You were the happiest now than you had been for a while and it was all thanks to Jimin. You two sat down on a bench and watched couples walk together.

"Y/n?" He said watching the people.


"I know this probably still isn't the best time after Jungkook but there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I love you Y/n. For a long time. And I was hoping that you'd be my girlfriend when you feel ready to date again."

You looked at him but he was still looking away from you. You smiled at his cute blush. He acted cool and suave in front of others but in reality he was an adorable shy boy.

You leaned you head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. "I love you too. And I'll gladly be your girlfriend." He put his arm around you and held you close. Although you couldn't see his face you knew he was smiling as he placed a kiss on your head.

It was true. You did love Jimin. You had ever since you were young but you never thought he saw you that way. Suddenly Jungkook came along and caught your eye and you were able to put your feelings for your friend aside to love him.

You don't regret being with Jungkook even though he hurt you. In fact you wanted to thank him. If he hadn't done what he did you wouldn't have been able to really appreciate the love Jimin offered you. It was truly a blessing in disguise.

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