Taegi - Written In The Stars

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In this world everyone has someone they are destined for. It's just a fact that everyone knows. At some point in a person's life when they need it the most a tattoo of someone's name will appear on their arm. That name belongs to their soulmate. It could happen at the lowest of times or the highest. Whether it's to bear the burdens of life together or celebrate the gifts of life together. It could happen when you're 12 or 20 or 37, it always appears right when you least expect it.

This exact thing happened to a group of three friends.

Two boys and a girl had been friends since they were children. They had always been thick as thieves. People would be surprised that a sleepy introvert, an energetic extrovert and a shy homebody would get along but somehow it works. They all stayed friends even when the two boys joined a group with five other boys and became idols while the girl stayed home in a simple job. And they stayed friends when the group grew famous and won their first award where the two boys got their soulmate marks of each other's name and were able to celebrate their first win together. They described that night as being written in the stars. The three continued to be friends when the two soulmates spent time with the girl who was hiding a silent heartbreak as she smiled for her friends.

I bet you can guess their names by now?

Their names are Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, and Y/n L/n.

See, what no one but Y/n was that she had grown feelings for her two friends. Her shyness kept her from saying anything and she is a bit glad she didn't. It a cruel trick to one's self if you fall in love before you find your soulmate because if they already have a it's a sharp knife to the heart. But that's how one finds their soulmate sometimes. Y/n hoped this was true but as she cried silently, curled up on her cold bed in her dark room, she began to lose hope. Maybe it was just written in the stars for her to be alone like this. Forever.

She knew that if her friends ever found out they would worry about her and she never liked people to worry over her so when they were around she would plaster a smile on her face. She hoped it would work and it did for a while but they know her too well to believe it for long. After a while they started to notice how she acted and sounded. There was an underlying pain lac d in everything she said and did. Taehyung and Yoongi could see it and hear it but most importantly they could feel it. There was an ache deep in her soul and they couldn't explain how they knew that it was a pale echo to the pain inside her.

They wondered . . . Could it really be possible?

They got their answer one evening in the dead of the night.

The pain inside Y/n had grown so much she could feel it in every fibre of her being. How painful it must be to be in love with with two people who could never love her back. She sat on the floor of her bedroom in a square of moonlight that filtered in through her window. She watched her arm as elegant black lines drew themselves onto her skin into two names that are also etched into her heart.

Kim Taehyung Min Yoongi

Tears flowed freely from her eyes. It looked so natural, as if it was meant to be there and be those names. Was this a cruel trick of Fate? Had she been horrible in a past life? Why would the Fates tie her to two already paired? Suddenly she felt two pairs of arms surrounding her in a warm embrace that she never thought she would get to experience.

Without her knowledge the two boys felt her name being drawn on their skin, sat perfectly next to the already existing marks, it looked so natural and they knew it was no mistake. She didn't know that they had also grown to love her as she did them and as they did each other. They had thought about it and done some research. They aren't the only three connected in this way. Many others have been marked as these three have, sometimes even more than that. After a few moments of silence in this embrace, whispered in the closeness, they told her what they had found and what they felt for her.

Sobs fell from her lips again but this time in relief. They held her and whispered sweet nothings until only sniffles we're heard from her. Once they're sure she's calm enough they pull away but still keep a hand on her shoulder and knee. She wipes her eyes and gives them a sweet smile, one they haven't seen for a while and hope to keep seeing forever. She hesitantly gives them each a gentle kiss and thanks them.

"What for?" Taehyung asks.

"For loving me and being here when I needed you most." She says quietly.

"Of course we'd love you and be there for you and we always will," Yoongi says,

"Because we're written in the stars."

This was an idea I had been mulling over in my mind for a while especially when I had requested a taegi reader soulmate AU from my beautiful Star youngscribbler03 and mine pales in comparison to hers so if you didn't really like this then you will absolutely love hers! It's so amazing! Everything she writes is amazing! And I'm not just saying this because she's my friend, I truly and honestly mean it! You would really love her imagines 💜
I kinda liked this one actually even if it didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped. I also hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! I love you friends!

HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO JUNGKOOK, NAMJOON, AND JIMIN!!! I hope they had the best of days!

If you did like this and want more like this don't be afraid to ask! I don't bite (unless you ask me to 😉) and I would be happy to write that for you!

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