Hoseok - It's Alright

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This is part 2 to Hoseok - It'll Be Alright requested by yanagirenjiidealtype thank you for requesting!

Hoseok's pov

It's been almost a year since me and Y/n met and we've become really great friends. I visit her often when she is working and she'll surprise visit me here and there as well. We've hung out together like going to see a movie at just playing games. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't developed feelings for her. But I haven't said anything because I'm afraid of being rejected and hurt again. I know she's not like that but I can't help it.

Right now we were hanging out at the mall together on my day off (she has night shifts.) I was internally debating if I should tell her or not. The guys have told me that she obviously likes me back and I've seen a few signs but that could be because she's really friendly? I sigh as we continue to walk.

"Are you okay?" She asks with a small tilt of her head.

I smile slightly at her. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about things."

She just nods and continues looking forward. I like how she doesn't pry if someone doesn't talk but subtly tells them she's there if needed. I loved that about her.

My smile never left my face until I heard a familiar voice that stopped me in my tracks. "Hoseok?"

I slowly turned around and my suspicions were confirmed. My ex stood there before me with a surprised expression. "Hey." I said only slightly awkward.

"Wow! It's so good to see you!" She had stepped closer for a hug but I slightly shied away which caused her to step back embarrassed. "I uh wha-what are you doing here?"

I stammered a bit. I wasn't sure what to say or how to react to seeing her again. But I was saved from having to speak. A soft hand slipped into mine and warmth was pressed into my side. "We are here to watch a movie, get some good food, maybe a little shopping." I looked to my side and saw Y/n smiling politely at my ex.

My ex faltered a bit as she looked at Y/n. "I-I'm sorry I don't think we've met. Who are you?" She asked trying to be polite.

"Oh right! Silly me sorry. I'm Y/n. Hobi's girlfriend." My eyes slightly widened at that but my hat thankfully hid that. Did she just...

"Oh! Really? Uh um it's uh it's nice to meet you."

"Who are you talking to babe?" I heard another guy's voice and suddenly Chen was here. My ex friend. Then he noticed me. "Oh Hoseok. Hey man. How have you been?"

"I've been good." I responded. I know if Y/n wasn't here I'd probably be stammering completely and making a fool of myself but she makes me feel better. It doesn't even hurt anymore to look at them like it used to.

He noticed Y/n then. "Hi my name is Chen." He reached forward a hand and she politely shook it.

"Hi I'm Y/n. So you're the guy she left Hoseok for?" She looked happy and polite but I could hear the slight venom in her voice.

They both paled. "I... uh... well... that's-" he tried to form a sentence but couldn't.

"Well I just wanted to say thank you." We all looked at her confused, them more so than me. "If you hadn't done what you did and left him I wouldn't have been able to meet him." She looked at me with a bright smile as she continued. "He is so so amazing and he makes me so happy. Unbelievably happy actually. He's given me so much that I couldn't possibly repay him but I'll damn sure try." At this point I was just smiling just as wide at her and for a moment I forgot they were even there until Y/n looked at them again. "As lovely as this has been to meet you we need to get going now. Bye hope you have a nice day!"

They mumbled okays but we were already walking away. Y/n had a triumphant look on her face and looked very happy with herself. "You didn't have to do that you know." I said after a moment.

"Do what?"

"Pretend to be my girlfriend."

"I didn't mind. Did you see the look on their faces though? It was priceless!" She laughed and I joined her.

"Yeah it was pretty good. But seriously. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I meant what I said about you making me happy. This is just a small step to trying to make you just as happy."

"You do make me happy." I hesitated a moment before I decided to finally say what I wanted to. "What would make me even happier though is if you went on a date with me. Like a real date. Not as friends."

She stopped walking and I stopped with her. She looked at me and I worried if I over stepped for a moment before she smiled at me. "I would love that."

I sighed a bit. "Good I was worried there for a moment. I really like you."

"I know."

"You do? How? Since when?"

She shrugged. "For a while now. It's a little obvious." I blushed and she chuckled. "It also helps that the boys told me about it."

I sighed and shook my head. "They really have no boundaries." I laughed a bit and she just smiled.

"True but it worked out for the best this time I believe." She stepped closer to me and slowly wrapped her arms behind my neck. "If they hadn't done that then who knows how long it'd be before we could be this close without being awkward."

I hugged out a small laugh and put my arms around her waist. "True. And doing this would be weird." I said before I leaned down and kissed her. I could feel her smile into it and kiss me back.

If you had told me a year ago that I would have found a girl even more perfect for me than the girl I thought was perfect for me, I would have said you were insane. But now it's happened and I couldn't be happier. I know Y/n won't break my heart and I definitely won't break hers.

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