Namjoon - The Littlest ARMY Part 2

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This was requested by jin_fiqss thank you for requesting!


It's been almost five years since Y/n had to live with her older brother. Their parents resolved their issues and stayed together letting Y/n move back with them. Both Y/n and Namjoon were sad to be seperated again, but they were happy their parents were okay. Their mother promised Y/n could visit when possible. The other BTS boys (particularly Taehyung) were saddened that she had to move back home yet they understood that she had to be with her parents.

The move didn't mean they lost touch though. The boys wrote to her and she wrote back in her adorable childish writing, they did video calls and voice messages when possible, and when the boys weren't busy and Y/n had free time from school she would stay a few nights. Namjoon and Y/n were the closest out of everyone though. The siblings were very much attatched to each other, Y/n looking up to him as her idol and role model, and Namjoon being a protective brother and wanting to do well in his career to make her proud.

Y/n is 10 now and looks to be well on her way in a career like her brother. She's passionate about performing arts and always watches her 'oppa's' to glean anything she could from how they performed. There's a talent show being held in her school soon that she's very excited about. She knows exactly what she wants to do and how she wants to do it, but she'll need help.

Namjoon is also excited for her performance at the talent show. He knows she'll do amazing and he can't wait to see it. But that excitement dwindles just a bit when he thinks about how she seems to be avoiding him for a few weeks now. He thinks that maybe it just seems that way because she's focused on her act for the talent show, yet when he's near her she practically runs to Hoseok or Jimin, the two she's been hanging out with the most lately. He doesn't ask her about it though, he just lets her be and supports her as he normally would. He won't let himself be jealous of the other guys because she seems to be liking them more even though she's his sister. He won't do that, no.

When the time for the performance comes, he has half a thought to maybe not go, that maybe she wouldn't want him there. When he voices these concerns outloud Hoseok and Jimin both jump to assure him that she definitely wants him there and he really should go. With his mind made up to go him and his friends, wearing some simple disguises to avoid attention on them, make it to the theatre and find seats with his parents.

They watch the acts, some great, some okay, some bad, but no one is gonna boo children, and wait anxiously for the one act they really came for. "And last, but not least, is Kim Y/n with a contemporary dance that she said is for her brother." The principle stated with a smile. Namjoon's brows raised in surprise. The audience gave the obligatory applause, one section more so than the others. Y/n walked onto stage with a smile, hair pulled half up and half down, wearing a simple light grey leotard with a matching chiffon skirt wrap. She curtsied to the crowd and took her starting position.

The first notes of Brother by Kodaline drifted from the speakers and Y/n started to move. She moves with a grace that takes hours to practice, not quite perfect but definitely on the road there. She moves carefully but with confidence. She knows what the next step is as if she was reading it from a book right then. Her movements carry the emotion of the music. She will be there for her brother for anything and everything, just like she knows he would do for her.

Namjoon looks beside him and sees the proud and excited smiles of his friends and family, especially Hoseok and Jimin, who watch her steps carefully as if counting in their heads the movements, shifting slightly in their seats like their muscle memory is reacting to the music. He has a thought then. She wasn't avoiding him because she didn't care for him anymore, she was avoiding him because she didn't want to spoil her own secret of practicing as hard as she could for this very special performance.

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say he was clapping louder than anyone in that building when the song ended and she breathed deeply but beaming as she recieved the praise. When she left stage he didn't waste time in getting up to go see her. She was already waiting for him when he came around and swooped her up in a twirling hug. "Did you like it?" She asked when she pulled away to look at him.

"Like it? I loved it! You were amazing, Y/n!" He praised.

"Really? I worked really hard for this for you. I even had Hobi and Chimmy help me so I would be good."

"Well, you were really, really, good. I'm proud of you. And thank you. It was very beautiful." He smiled at her.

She beamed. "You're welcome, oppa."

Short, but sweet :) I hope you liked this and it's somewhat to your liking. It was the best I could come up with and I think it's nice.
Also... It's been months. Since this has been requested and since I've published anything new. I'm very sorry about that. It's been hard to write these but I was determined to finish them and I have! That's a relief for me 😅
Anyways, thank you for waiting around for me and thank you for being here if you're new.
Thank you for reading!

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