Taehyung - Social Media Crush Part 2

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This is requested by midnightanna thank you for requesting! Dsandmix this is for you too since you wanted a part 2 as well.

Taehyung and Y/n have been texting each other almost everyday for the past five months. They've become really great friends in that short span of time. She's also become friends with the other boys of BTS. They've invited her over for dinner sometimes and a couple of movie nights. She could confidently say that she was now good friends with all of them.

She especially thought so when they all bombarded her with texts when they were away for a tour. Well almost all. Taehyung hadn't really been messaging her except for a good morning and good night text. She missed chatting with him the most and she was sad that they weren't talking. It was her fault though.

It started when she had seen them off at the airport. She stood and joked around with the boys while they waited to board the plane. It took a while but people were finally slowly being called to board. Everyone grabbed their bags and headed to the doors except Taehyung. He had lagged behind for a moment to talk to her. Or rather make a hasty confession.

She had turned to leave when he gently grabbed her wrist. "Y/n." He said.

She turned to look at him curiously. His cheeks were pink and he wouldn't meet her eyes. "What is it Tae?" She asked.

"I- I wanted to t-tell you before we left-" He took a deep breath and finally looked at her. "I like you. I've liked you even before we met at the fan meet. I saw all of your kind comments and it made me want to see you and when I finally got to and I got to know you I fell for you. I fell really hard and I realize that I love you."

She let out a small gasp. "Tae." The look on her face told him all he needed to know at the moment. She looked uncertain and uncomfortable.

He let go and looked away, his face burning more from embarrassment. "You don't have to say anything now. I thought you should know how I felt. Just think about it? Please?"

Before she could say anything he rushed off to join everyone on the plane. She made her way home in a daze and stayed that way for a while. It wasn't that she didn't like Taehyung back. She really really did like him too. She was just scared. She's been in love before and she got hurt from it. She's been too scared to ever try again.

But now a sweet, loving, caring man has just confessed and all she did was stare at him like he was speaking gibberish. She didn't mean to make him feel bad. She was just so shocked that he would ever think of her that way. She just always thought he saw her as a supportive fan and friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

But now she knows she was wrong. She was wrong in her thinking and she was wrong in her actions. She shouldn't be scared to love again but she is. She's terrified. But with him she feels safe and secure. She feels warm and knows he won't let her down and she won't let him down. But she has.

Y/n was laying in bed, staring at nothing, thinking of everything. She thought about Tae and what it would be like to actually be with him. She imagines them walking around different places, taking pictures with and of each other. Laughing at his silly antics that she would mimic because she is just as silly.

Everything would be amazing and he would never hurt her. She can't even picture it in her mind. "What have I done?" She asked herself. She inadvertently turned down the guy she loves. She needs to make it right and hopefully he'll forgive her. She sat up in bed and called one of her new friends.

"Hey Y/n." Jimin answered.

"Jimin I need your guys help." She said.

"With what? Are you okay?" Concern laced his voice.

"Not really. I accidentally hurt Tae. He told me he liked me but I didn't say anything and he looked so hurt. I should have told him then but I like him too."

He was silent for a moment but then giggled. "Finally! I thought you guys would never get together!"

"Jimin! Don't be so loud! I don't want him to know yet. I want to surprise him."

"How?" He asked in a quieter tone.

"Well this is where you guys come in." She continued to tell him her plan and he instantly agreed. He told her he'd tell everyone else but Tae of course. She smiled to herself after he hung up.

Meanwhile Taehyung was sulking by himself. He didn't mean to confess like he did. He just panicked because he was leaving and wouldn't see Y/n for a while. He was a bit worried someone else might snatch her up while he was away. But now he thinks he might have just pushed her away instead.

He was so out of it he didn't realize the other boys being a bit secretive around him. He didn't see the small laughs and the glint of excitement. He just wallowed in self pity until it was time to do another concert. He put all of his focus and attention into his performance. Even if she didn't want him he would still perform his best for her.

After the concert he was a panting, sweaty mess. They were all making their way to the dressing room when Jimin suddenly spoke up. "Uh Taehyung. Why don't you go in without us? We uh . . . We have some things . . . To do." Be gave a pointed look to everyone.

"What things?" Tae asked.

"Yeah what things?" Jungkook echoed. It was soon followed by a small yelp if pain. Jimin had elbowed him.

"You know Jungkook. The things." Jimin said slightly widening his eyes. He subtly nodded to the room behind Tae and Jungkook's gaze flicked in that direction.

His eyes widened and his mouth formed an O shape. "Ohhhh yeah! Those things! Right. Yeah we gotta go hyung." The guys rushed off leaving Tae very confused. It didn't last long though as his mind went back to Y/n. He sighed as he walked into the empty dressing room. Or at least it was supposed to be empty.

"Y/n?" He said unbelieving. She was standing in the middle of the room, nervously playing with her fingers, with a shy smile.

"Hi Tae." She said.

Without thinking he engulfed her in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." She said when she pulled away.

"Sorry for- oh." He saw her guilty expression and he knew what she meant. He looked at the ground. "It's fine. You don't have to apologize."

"But I do. I hurt you and I didn't mean to. I just . . . I've been hurt before." He looked up at her as she continued. "I was madly in love with my boyfriend a few years ago. I truly thought he felt the same but I guess he didn't since I caught him with another girl in my own house."

A sudden tear fell down her cheek. He reached up and wiped it away with his thumb, keeping his hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

She sniffled and leaned into his touch. "It's okay. It was a long time ago. The point is I've been scared to be hurt again so I've avoided love. I ran away from it with everything I had and instead poured it into something- or rather someone- else. You guys. BTS. The handsome boy group that I never thought I would ever meet in real life. But when I did I never thought that one of them would feel the same."

She gave him a small smile when he lightly gasped. "You feel the same?"

She nodded. "Yes. I really do. I feel safe and comfortable with you. I know you won't hurt me like he did. I'm still scared but with you . . . I'm willing to try loving again."

He smiled brightly and pulled her in for another hug. "Thank you. I promise I won't hurt you. Ever."

"I know." He pulled back when she wrapped her arms behind his neck. His gaze fell to her lips and she could tell what he wanted. "You can kiss me." She whispered. Not hesitating for a single moment he leaned forward and pressed his lip to hers. She felt warmth spread through her and she knew, if she hadn't already before, that he was it for her.

They pulled apart when cheers were heard from the door. The other boys were clapping whooping happily. Y/n and Taehyung both blushed as the boys congratulated them.


Phew! That is finally done! It feels like it took forever to come up with something. Thank you to my brother for helping me refine my idea for this imagine! Remember you can ask for another part to any of my previous chapters and future ones to come. As always thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed! I love you

Also side note can we just take a moment to talk about THIS!

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