Jimin Mafia AU - Date Night

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You were walking down the street on your way to the building where you worked with your boyfriend Jimin. You had a date planned for tonight but he was late. Very late. That upset you. You knew he had a job tonight but he usually calls if he's going to be doing a bit of over time. You muttered to yourself angrily as you walked.

"If he's gotten himself into trouble I swear to god I'll-" You let out a yelp.

Suddenly you were pulled sideways into a dark alley. Your hands were held tightly and tied behind you as a black bag was put over your head. You cursed yourself in your mind. You were too busy thinking about Jimin that you didn't pay attention to your surroundings.

Your protests were ignored and you were going to release yourself until you heard one of the nabbers mention Jimin. Deciding to see where this goes you play nice and stop struggling. You were shoved into a vehicle and told to keep quiet.

It took a while but the car finally stopped and you were roughly pulled out. With the bag still on your head you were only able to make out blots of light and blurry shapes of bodies. You heard muffled shouts and you recognized it to be Jimin's voice and he sounded pissed. You definitely knew he was once whatever was covering his mouth was removed.

"Let me go assholes! You're messing up my plans for tonight!" You chuckled inside your head. Only Park Jimin would yell at kidnappers for ruining his night.

"Shut up!" You heard another voice say followed by a grunt from Jimin. "If you're gonna talk tell me who ordered the hit."

Jimin laughed and you could tell he was smirking. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I knew you were gonna say that. Bring her in!"

Before Jimin could reply you were roughly pushed forward and then shoved to your knees. The bag was ripped off your head and you blinked from the sudden brightness. You were in an empty warehouse with a concrete floor. Large hanging lights lit up large patches of ground leaving dimmer spaces in between. You were in one of the bright patches and, tied up in a chair, so was Jimin.

He had a cut on his lip. "Y/n?" He looked at you with slightly wide eyes before he glared at someone behind you. "What the hell do you think you're doing with her?"

"You won't talk no matter how much I hurt you. So I figured if I hurt your lady you'd be more willing." A guy walked and stood to the side between you and Jimin.

Jimin raised an eyebrow at the guy before looking at you. You did the same thing and you both let out a laugh. The guy got angry and stomped up to you grabbing you by your hair and sharply pulling your head back. You winced from the pain but got more angry than anything.

"Don't laugh at me bitch." He then shoved your head forward almost making you fall on your face. He walked away for a moment. Probably to get tools for torture. You thought.

"You okay babe?" Jimin asked.

You gave him a small glare. "Oh no I'm having a lovely time." You said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course I'm not okay! I'm pissed off! What the hell Jimin? Why are we tied up?" You whisper yelled.

He shrugged and looked away sheepishly. "I may have gotten caught before I could finish."

You sighed annoyed. "Do I have to take care of this?"


You roll your eyes. "You owe me." He smiled at you with his squinty eyes.

The guy came back with a few knives and pulled you to your feet. "Hope you can handle pain well. Because I have a lot planned tonight." He said.

You looked him dead in the eye with a smirk. "Yeah. So do I." He had a look of confusion. You pulled your hidden blade from your belt, cutting your restraints before plunging it into his neck. You grabbed the knives from him as he fell. You quickly threw each one into the hearts of the three other guys in the room.

"Which one were you supposed to kill?" You ask as you untie Jimin.

"That one." He points to the first guy you killed as he rubbed his sore wrists. Then he lightly cupped your cheek. "You okay? Did they hit you?"

You shook your head. "No. I'm fine. My hair isn't though." You grimaced at the new tangles.

He chuckled. "You still look beautiful." You smiled as he gave you a quick peck. "Come on. Let's get out of here. I still owe you a date and a little something... extra." He winked and you giggled. He put his arm around your shoulder and you both left the warehouse.


It's been a while since I've done a Mafia AU and I feel bad about that. I have Namjoon's and Jin's left but I have no ideas for them at the moment. I feel bad about that too. Well I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry about the tardiness.

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