All - A Day For the Winner

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This was requested by a lovely Anon thank you for requesting!

Also I wanna thank my soulmate lilacmingi and her sister for giving me this idea! I'd been stuck on it literally forever 😭


"You want me to what?" Y/n asked from her perch on the couch in the BTS dorm, the boys standing or sitting in a circle around her. They had called her for an 'important matter' early in the morning and she had to drag herself from her comfy sheets to see what was up.

"We want you to pick one of us to spend the day with today." Jungkook repeated.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because we all want to spend the day with you, but you can't spend it with all of us doing different things at the same time." Hoseok explained.

She blinked at them. "And so you're making me choose." She summarized to which they all nodded. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "How did I become friends with all you dorks." She muttered before looking back up at them. "How am I supposed to choose between my seven friends? Won't the rest get upset at me and the one chosen?"

"We all agreed that no matter what, we would respect your decision and not get upset." Namjoon promised.

She pursed her lips as she thought. "What were you all wanting to do? One at a time!" She warned with a finger in the air. They had all taken a simultaneous breath, all planning on talking over the other, before she stopped it. Then they all listed one by one what they wanted to do with her. Seokjin wanted to test a few new recipes with her that he had found recently. Yoongi wanted her help learning a new song on his pretty black guitar (she had been the one to help him learn the instrument in the first place). Hobi wanted to show her some of the new coreography he had been learning during his break. Namjoon wanted to just hang out and watch TV like gameshows and things like that. Jimin wanted to do some arts and crafts things. Taehyung wanted to take her to a new art museum that had opened up. Jungkook wanted to play some games with her.

She tapped her chin as she thought. They wanted her to choose something that she wants to do and thus choosing who she would spend her day with. She was in a bit of a pickle. All of these activities sounded fun to her and any one of them she would have chosen. Problem is she knew that, even though they assured her they won't, they would be a little jealous and disappointed with whoever she chose. She had to be very careful with her next words. Suddenly it was like a lightbulb exploded in her head as she got a brilliant idea.

"I am not choosing," she finally decided, "but instead am holding a competition. A series of games and activities where the winner of each event gets a point and the one with the most points gets a reward of their chooosing. Sound good?" The boys spoke their agreements and nodded with smiles. "Perfect." She had a smile of her own as she clapped her hands together. "Now, time to gather the supplies." She sent the boys to each part of the house as they gathered some things she asked for, the most important being a white board where she drew eight coloums, drawing a little doodle of each boy and herself with their names underneath.

"Why are you adding youself?" Yoongi asked catching the others attention and she smirked at them.

"Because I'm also participating. I'm like Merida. 'I'll be shooting for my own hand'." She mimicked a Scottish accent as she quoted the fiery-haired princess. The boys glanced at each other, not expecting the extra competitor in these so called events. With the few things she asked them to gather the games were started.

She had all kinds of things planned for them to do. Everywhere from uno to hide and seek and even rock paper scissors. She even had some 'bigger' games for them to do like a baking competition using one of Jin's new cake recipes, instrument playing, dancing, and drawing. She even had a couple games of actual video games and some like you would see in gameshows like the newlywed game. Aside from being a competitor she was also score keeper (she kept the board out of view and away from the seven children who claim to be men) and somehow had become official referee sometime during Simon Says when Jungkook was giving the commands.

"Simon says touch your nose. Simon says stand on one leg. Put your leg down. JIMIN I SAW YOUR LEG MOVE!"



Pictionary was a little less chaotic. When it was Y/n's turn she had drawn a cute little chibi drawing but everything the boys guessed was wrong. "It's Hobi."

"But the clue says 'the sun'."

"Exactly. Hobi's my sunshine."


Charades was even more chaotic, some of the boys going above and beyond their theatrics because by this point they enjoyed the raucous laughter they were recieving. When she brought in Just Dance they had gone through pairing challenges. Two people going against each other at a time until only one winner was left standing. When Namjoon stumbled during his match and gotten a lower score than Jin he had fallen to his knees and dramatically yelled to the sky that the game of Just Dance was plotting against him.

Musical chairs was a mess. Y/n had purposly lost the first round because she didn't feel like being jostled by her male friends who were ruthless when claiming a chair as their own. Jungkook and Taehyung were the last two, each singer staring each other down as they circled the chair, eyes quick to check any movement until the music stopped. There was a tussle, a couch cushion or two flying in the air. When the dust settled Kook was on the floor and Tae was the winner of this game.

The sun was starting to dip in the horizon when Y/n finally declared that the final game was done and it was time to tally up the marks. "Jinnie has 2, Yoongles has 4, Hobi has 3, Joon has 3, Chim has 2, Tae has 4, Kook has 5," She's cut off by Jungkook clapping in excitement at his supposed victory, but she's quick to stop that. "Jungkook, I wasn't done. I also participated, remember?"

"Oh, right." He had the good mind to seem sheepish as she smiled at him.

"And I have 7." She grinned and flipped the board for them to see. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped when they saw that she indeed had won 7 points crowning her as the night's winner.

"But we were playing for a day with you." Taehyung seemed to pout a bit.

"No, we were playing for a reward of the winner's choosing. You all wanted to spend a day with me. I never said what I wanted. But you guys all won in the end." At their confused looks she elaborated. "I spent the day with all of you. We had fun, we played games. And we did everything you all wanted, even if it wasn't exactly what you had in mind. We baked, we played instruments, we danced, we played gameshow games, we drew some pictures, we surveyed each others art, and we played video games."

"You planned this the whole time, didn't you!" Yoongi accused with a playful glare.

She shrugged a bit. "Only since you guys were making me choose."

"Then what is the 'reward' you're gonna choose if we've already done everything?" Namjoon wondered.

"My reward is if you guys wanna hang out, just ask, and make sure I don't have plans before hand. Speaking of plans, I gotta go." She started gathering her things and went to the door, the boys following like puppies when their owner leaves for work.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked with a pout.

She turned to face them when she opened the door. "I spent my day with my boys and now I'm gonna spend my night with my girls. I had dinner plans with Allison and Harley today before you guys called me. Love ya, byeee!" And then she closed the door leaving them standing there a bit flabbergasted.

"Were we just ditched?"

Suprise cameo mention of me and my soulmate uwu
This was kind of a random mess but I think it was kinda funny ^w^
Thank you again to my soulmate and her sister for giving me this idea. It turned out good I think :)

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