Taehyung - Stressed

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This was requested by a lovely Anon thank you for requesting! It was also based on a dream I had one time that involved our adorable baby boi Tae ÚwÙ

You stood on the semi crowded sidewalk looking around for someone. You almost gave up looking to call him when you heard your name being called. "Y/n!" You looked in the direction and saw your mint haired friend waving his arms at you with a big smile. You smiled back and also waved as you two made your way to each other. As soon as he could he wrapped you in a big hug and you laughed at his eagerness.

"I miss you too, Wolfe." You said patting his back. (Wolfe is the male me. Hi nice to meet ya 😜 don't worry this is necessary to the plot plus it's fun XD) After a few more seconds you started having trouble breathing because of the hug. "Okay, Wolfe. Can't. Breath." You said jokingly.

"Sorry." He laughed a bit pulling away. "I've just missed you so much!" He said with a big smile adjusting his yellow rimmed glasses.

"I know. Come on. Let's go eat and catch up."

"Yes! I'm starving!" He cheered as you both started walking.

"You're always hungry." You pointed out.

"Touche." You both laughed as you got to his car and drove to a restaurant. You both chatted and caught up on things as you ate your food and probably disturbed some fellow patrons with your loud laughter. After a bit Wolfe leaned back in his seat and looked at you. "So, what's wrong?"

You looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I know we're best friends and all and can see each other whenever, but when you text me out of the blue to go out to eat, you either want a favor and are buttering me up with food, or you're bothered by something and need to talk. So which is it?" You thought about protesting until you saw him fold his arms and raise a brow at you like try me.

You sighed. "Fine. You got me. Something's wrong."

"I knew it. So? What happened?" Wolfe leaned forward and looked at you concerned. "Do I need to kick some ass?"

That made you laugh a bit. "No, Wolfe. It's just... me and Taehyung had a big fight and I don't know where we stand anymore."

"What? Did you break up?"

"No? I don't know."

"Okay, start from the beginning. What happened between you?"

"I don't even know." You threw your hands up exasperated. "We were good, great even, and then a few weeks ago he started getting snippy about every little thing. I just brushed it off at first because I knew his job was pretty stressful around that time. But then it just kept on and on and I started to get sick of it. So when he said something, I'd say something back, and it just kept going. Almost a week ago it just hit its peak. We were fighting over something so small. I can't even remember what it was now. But I told him I was tired of him taking his frustrations out on me and I said, 'If you're gonna keep yelling at me for no reason, you can leave until you figure out it's not me that's stressing you out.'"

"And then what happened?" Wolfe asked gently.

"He left. And we haven't spoken since." You looked down at your lap as you remember that fight. It was one of your worst and the one that you spent all night crying over.

It was quiet for a few minutes until Wolfe finally spoke up. "I'm really sorry you two fought. And I'm sorry that you're hurting like this. It was definitely wrong of him to take his frustrations out on you but I honestly think you guys will be fine."

You looked at him sadly. "I don't see how. I mean I told him to leave until he realized he wasn't mad at me but what if he was? What if I was actually stressing him out and he's going to stay gone?"

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