Jimin - A Guys Best Friend Part 2

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The girl with black hair and blue eyes looked at you excitedly. "Wolfie?" You almost couldn't believe it.

"Yes! It's me! I'm Wolfie!" She gasped. "I can say my name! Wolfie Wolfie Wolfie. That's so fun! And I can say Y/n Y/n Y/n and Tae Tae Tae and Jimin Jimin Jimin. Oh! Jimin! He'll be so surprised I need to show him!"

(a/n the magic of writing is that I can be who ever and how ever I like 😊 I am seriously not this comfortable in my own skin. In writing I can be confident. And I can be a magical dog!)

She started to walk towards Jimin's room and it finally hit you. "Wolfie wait!" She stopped and tilted her head questioningly at you. "You need to keep the blanket on." You grabbed it and pulled it over her shoulders.


"You're human now which means you have no fur." She blinked at you. "Which means you're naked."

"I am?" She looked under the blanket. "Oh. I guess I am." You helped wrapped the blanket around her more securely like a towel.

Suddenly Jimin came into the room in clothes and damp hair. "Hey Y/n how's Wol-" He stopped when he saw the extra human in the room wrapped only in a blanket.

"Jimin!" Wolfie ran and gave Jimin a hug.

He stumbled back slightly from the sudden display of affection. Wolfie smiled up at him and he just looked at her confused. "Who are you?"

Wolfie stepped back looking like a hurt puppy. "You don't recognize me now that I'm human?" Jimin shook his head looking even more confused. "Liar! When I ran away and got mixed up with another black Husky you said you would always recognize me no matter what I looked like!" She folded her arms and looked at Jimin angrily.

Recognition lit up his eyes. "Wolfie?"

She smiled. "You do know me! I knew you wouldn't lie!" She hugged him again.

"Wolfie how is this happening?"

"I know!" Tae said.

Jimin looked between Tae and you. "How do you know what's going on and why are you so cool about this?"

"Jimin this is Tae. My dog." You said. Tae smiled and Jimin's eyes went wide again. Wolfie beamed.

"Tae? You're human too?" She started to go to Tae to give him a hug but Jimin stopped her. He seemed to have realized Wolfie's lack of clothing.

"No no no. You're not gonna do that."

"What? Why? I wanna give Tae a hug." She pouted.

"Not when you don't have any clothes on! Tae don't look at Wolfie! Y/n tell your dog to look away!" Tae covered his eyes and Jimin grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around Wolfie.

"Jimin I can't move now!" Wolfie was wrapped up completely with only her head and feet visible.

"Jimin she looks like a walking burrito." You wanted to laugh but you felt bad for the poor girl who could barely move now.

"Good! My precious fluff ball needs to be protected!" He started ushering Wolfie down the hallway.

"From what?" You followed.

"From males!"

"I'm not gonna hurt her." Tae was following behind you.

"You stay out there!" Tae was startled and ran back to the living room. Jimin sat Wolfie on his bed as he went through his closet and pulled out an over sized black tank top and a large pair of grey sweat pants.

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