Jimin - Girl Next Door

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This is inspired by Girl Next Door by 4th & Orange.

Jimin's pov

I woke up to the sun shine in my eyes. I moved my hand to block the sun as my eyes tried to adjust from sleep. Sitting up and stretching, I contemplated if I actually wanted to get up yet. Me and the guys have been so busy for a while and we've been given a break for some time starting today which means I could sleep until the afternoon. A smile found its way on my face as I thought about this. I plopped back down and closed my eyes and was about to go back to sleep until I had a feeling that I should get up. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to think of an actual reason why I would need to but then I remembered we were spending the day together.

Tae and Jungkook wanted to go to an amusement park or and arcade. Everyone agreed and Jin hyung suggested to get something to eat afterwards which everyone agreed to as well. You would think that with our break they would want to stay home but nope. I let out a small chuckle as I got back up and got dressed. Once I was done I looked at the clock and saw I had enough time to get my mail before I had to meet up with everyone. I grabbed my keys and locked my front door (because you can never be too safe) and hopped in the elevator. Only a few seconds passed before I was able to get off and enter the lobby.

It was a pretty peaceful morning. A few people came and went as I went to the mailboxes and opened mine. I sifted through them seeing junk mail, bills and a few random letters. I heard the front doors open and my eyes automatically lifted to see someone I've never seen before. A girl with h/c hair and pretty e/c eyes walked in and came in my direction. Feeling suddenly nervous I averted my gaze and looked back at the papers in my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her open a mailbox. The box right next to mine.

Does she live here? I've never seen her before. But then again I've been gone for a while so it wouldn't be hard to miss. I did hear that someone new was supposed to move in so she must be that someone. She closed her box and headed to the elevator. I hesitated for a moment before I quickly closed mine and followed behind her. She only looked mildly surprised when she turned and saw me coming. She offered me a small smile as she held the door and I gave her one back as thanks. I pressed the 3rd floor button when I turned and I saw her reach for it too only to stop with a small 'oh' when she saw it was already pressed.

I took these few moments going up to look at her without her noticing. She was really pretty and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to say hi to her. But the only thing stopping me was these stupid butterflies in my stomach making me feel a bit jittery and clogging my throat. I mentally sighed as the doors opened and we both got off. To my slight surprise we headed in the same direction until I stopped at my door 303, and she went to the one right next to mine, 304. She was my neighbor. I stood there for a few tense moments fiddling with my keys trying to get my voice to work. When I finally got my mouth to open she had already entered her apartment and closed the door. Sighing I went inside, put my mail, grabbed my wallet and sunglasses and left to meet with my friends.


I sat lost in thought in my living room staring blankly at a wall while Taehyung and Jungkook played a video game together. "Jimin!" Tae suddenly yelled my name.

I jumped startled and placed a hand on my chest. "What? What're you yelling for?"

"We've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes hyung." Jungkook said.

"Oh, you have?" They nodded. "I'm sorry. What's up?"

"What were you thinking about?" Take asked.

I felt my face flush slightly at that. "Nothing." I smacked myself mentally at how meek that sounded.

The two shared a knowing smirk and I knew I was in trouble. "Were you thinking of a girl?" Jungkook asked being the annoying maknae he is.

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