New me

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y/n pov

I stand there talking to Christina about going to Joe's later when four people walk up to behind her. One of them i recognizes her face as a woman who talked to Derek at Joe's before I left with Callie the other night.

"Christina, your interns are here" i say and grab her attention. They look terrified and confident at the same time if that's even possible. "Good luck"

"I don't need luck" she answers before turning to them and i turn to see another four walking towards me. Christina starts her Bailey speech, like the one she gave us when we were interns. This year im gonna be me. Not some emotionless person, not too happy or too angry or sad. Maybe a little more like Izzy, see how far it'll go before i start reverting back. "I have five rules, memorise them..."

I think im the only one who isn't going to do that one, i want to be my own.

"Excuse me, are you Doctor Diaz?" A woman with long blond hair says, grabbing your attention from looking over at the terrified not so confident anymore interns with Christina.

"That's right"

"Daniellle Holmes but everybody calls me Dani" the blond-haired woman says.

"I like you already"

"I'm Abby Newton" a brown haired woman says.


"Shottish actually" she answers with a smile.

"Adam Murphy" the brown-haired man says with a smile.

"John Brown" a shorter black-haired man says. He kinda looks like George but with different hair. Probably a different personality too since he's the only one without a smile. Kinda reminds me of Alex at first. He said it kinda rude too, i don't like him very much but maybe it's just because he reminds me of Christina and me. Workaholics and overachievers know it all.

"Well, let's get started" and i give up and go with the same speech, just a little different. A little nicer. "I have five rules, i'll need you to memorize them."

"Rule number one, don't bother sucking up its not gonna help you" i put on a more serious face as i begin.

"Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run that's rule number two" i say as i being to walk and they grab everything off the nurses station table.

"Your first shift starts now and lasts forty eight hours. Your inters, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don't complain" we make it to the closest on call room.

"On call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can. Which brings me to rule number three, if i'm sleeping, don't wake me up unless im the only one that can help" there's another change i made to the speech since i would rather they wake me then do something wrong.

"Rule number four, your patient better not be dead when i get there. Not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woke me for no reason, are we clear" they all nod but one raises her hand in a question and i give her the word.

"You said five rules, that was only four" Danielle says and i nod.

"When I move, you move with me. Now go check on patient and wait to be paged" I say before walking away to get down in the tunnels with the rest of my friends. But someone catches up with me.

"Doctor Diaz?" a small brown haired girl asks me and i nod.

"Your with Cristina right?" she nods.

"I was wondering if you know Meredith Grey, shes in your year"

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