One year later

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A month later

Y/n pov

It is exactly a year since i kissed Lexie in the stairwell, and as the romantic i am. Somewhere deep inside, i think. I want to recreate the moment, maybe without being interrupted this time and not storming off. And in two days were celebrating our official one year anniversary. Not just one year since our first kiss, but one year since our first date. When i had gotten home from Miami with Mer, when we walked through a rainless Seattle, when i had given her a goodnight kiss by her doorstep hiding from Izzie. It was an eventful night, since we also got called in.

"Hey, can i show you something?" i ask Lexie at the nurses station. I know the exact time it happened as well, since Alice had just gotten out of surgery and i left for Miami that same night. And it was the day that i slept with Mark and THAT whole thing started.

"Sure" she answers questions piercing her gaze and i pick up a random shart. Since the nail surgery, everyone now knows of us so i don't care to take her hand and lead her through the hospital. It's things like that that makes me understand why people say i've changed. But i think it's for the better. But at the hospital, i don't let it show enough for me to lose the title of the next generator Bailey. I wear that title with honour and pride.

"Stay right here" i say, placing her in the same place as she was then in the stairwell. If Bailey comes up at the same time i swear it'll be perfect, even though i don't want to be interrupted.

"What are we doing?" she's trying to be serious, but a smile creeps up on her lips as i come close to her.

"Exactly one year ago you asked me a question" i say in a hushed tone so that the whole hospital won't hear us. "Do you remember?" my face is hovering mere inches away from hers.

"Of course, you kissed me" but i don't go closer, still waiting for the clock to strike 10;30 pm. "I asked you why you sleept with Sloan. The man who you told me treated you like crap and broke your heart"

"And i asked if you really wanted to know, why i slept with him" she plays along, letting my hands hoover close to her waist.

"Yes i do"

"To get you out of my head" how good that went. Considering it's now been a year and we're back to the exact same place. Except that we're not yelling at each other. And we're here on purpose this time. "Because whatever i do, you're there. Whether it's in front of me or in my head and i can't, just can't..." her eyes flicker between mine and my lips.

"Can't what? Why am i in your head Y/n" and the way she says my name at the exact time the clock strikes. This time i'm not as confused, she's not as mad and worried. And i still can't seem to NOT look at her like this, like she's the only thing in the world that makes sense but at the same time doesn't. So i place one hand on her cheek and pull her in, smashing our lips together, tasting her soft strawberry lips and she begins to kiss me back. Putting her hands around my neck to pull me in as my hands go down to her waist to hold her body flush against mine. She opens her mouth to let our tongues met in the same battle, the battle of dominance, the one i always win against her. As i track my hands to pull her in even closer she has her hands in my hair. Letting her hold the space between our faces at a minimum as i keep tracing her back with my hands.

I can feel the soft tickles of her breath against my nose, fingers carding through my hair as we breath each other in. She pulls away just to look into my eyes. And i see that she thinks it's as hot as i think that we're remaking our first kiss a year later. So it's the same hunger mirroring in her eyes as in mine. A hunger for each other. And it's not just sexual, we both know that, it's about love. About that i cared enough to do this and that she cared enough to remember what she said and what happened. My hands snare around her waist to pull her in again. Even though it's impossible for us to come closer, we manage to do just that. I just know that i have her back pressed against the wall when a door opens on the floor below us. We separate quickly and i pick up the shart i had dropt, opening it to make it seem like we're going through something and not recreating something. And it's even better when the person coming up the stairs is actually Bailey.

"Dr Diaz, Dr Grey" she has a knowing smile on her lips, like she also remembers the day when she called me the new McDreamy.

"Dr Bailey" me and Lexie say in unison and nod as she passes us and out the door. Then Lexie starts laughing and leans her forehead onto my shoulder.

"I think that completes it" i say with my own small laugh. But before anyone of us can say something else, the door opens again and the person who's been avoiding me. Okay, i've been avoiding him, but... there are not buts, i've literally been avoiding him since that dinner. Not coming to Jonas to visit but only going out, he hasn't said anything about that dinner either. Lexie straightens her back and sees who came in.

"Dr Sloan" she nods with a smile as he stands still, looking at me.

"Grey, Y/n" he nods to us and i feel panic start to grow. I mean, there is a reason i've been avoiding him. Thankfully i've been the one running the ER basically every night since then to get back into the grove of surgery and shits, so it can be covered up as working. First week we were asked i said that i'd try it out since i didn't have much else. Then i realised that i'd be avoiding everything i needed to take care of, so after two weeks of volunteering everytime we were asked, the question just went straight to me.

"Dr Sloan" my answer is cold, like his name is uncertain on my tongue. I haven't called him that in a long time, not to him. If to someone else in the hospital, Sloan, if to him or anyone else, Mark. "Can you give this back and then i'll come by his room" Lexie's gaze tells me she's surprised i made up a story of why we're there, to Mark out of all people. But she goes alone with it.

"Sure, see you there" and then, instead of passing them both, i start to head up the stairs. To wherever they may take me. Away from Mark. At least i got to relive some happiness, even though it only was for fifteen minutes.

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