New McDreamy

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y/n pov

"Dr Diaz" Lexie calls after me.

"You gonna follow me? I'm just gonna go talk to Meredith" i say without looking at her running up to me.

"I'm still coming with"

"Why? You can't even look me in the eyes" i say turning to her and she directly avoids eye contact.

"You'll have o take it up with Shepherd then"

"Oh i will" i say as i start to walk again but she drags me into the stairwell.

"Not until you answer my questions"

"Why should i?" i ask, turning to look out the big window. But it only brings me flashbacks of the accident.

"Because i'm your friend, that you have treated like crap since you got back and then you sleeped with Mark Sloan. The man you told me broke your heart and is a total dick"

"You wanna know why i have avoided you? Why i sleeped with Mark? You really wanna know that?"

"Yeah i do" she says and i can't help but look at her as i say the next words more angrily and faster then i thought i'd ever would.

"To get you out of my head" she just stands there in chock so i continue."Because whatever i do you're there, either it's in front of me or in my head and i can't, just can't..."

"Can't what, why am i in your head y/n?" she asks and i can see that she's both mad and worried. But still i can't seem to not look at her like that, like she's the only thing in the world that makes sense but at the same time doesn't. Without a thought first i place my hand on her cheek and she just stands still as i drag her in. Smashing my lips to hers, tasting her soft lips and she begins to kiss me back. Opening her mouth to let out tongues met in a heated battle of dominance. As i track my hands to drag her in by the waist she has her hands in my hair. Letting her hold the space between our faces at a minimum as i keep tracing her back with my hands.

Lexie pov

A door opens and we quickly pull apart so we just stand there, looking into each other's eyes as a few doctors start to walk up the stairs to us.

"Dr Diaz, Dr Grey" Dr Bailey greeted us and pulled us back from our trance.

"Dr Bailey" we both say in union and she looks at you.

"I heard you were the new McDreamy" Bailey says before exiting and your smile fades. What did she mean by the new McDreamy, isn't Shepherd McDreamy?

"McDreamy? Isn't that Dr Shepherd, why would she call you the new Shepherd?" i ask but your already out the door before i can stop you.

Did that really happen? Did you really kiss me, and i kissed you. You had your hands on my ass, that's not something i'll forget. You had your lips on mine, your tongue in my mouth. Okay when i put it like that it sounds weird so i try to stop thinking like that and remember what Shepherd had told me to do. Keep track of you, and i just lost you.

I walk out the stairwell to see a bunch of doctors and nurses walking and running around, but no you.

"She was in a hurry to find Karev" Christina Yang says as she sees me looking around and once again she knows who i'm looking for. This time im not playing dumb.

"And where is Dr Karev?" i ask and she looks surprised at me, like she expected me to play bumb like last time.

"He's down in the pit" she answers, going back to her charts as i start to run down there.

<Down in the pit>

y/n pov

"I told you to not tell anyone" i want to scream it but i can't risk everyone hearing.

"I haven't told anyone but you said not to tell Meredith" Alex says back and i'm fighting the urge to hit him.

"If you haven't told anyone how come Dr Bailey just said she heard i was the new McDreamy"

"I don't know, but i didn't say anything"

"Your the only one that knew Alex"

"Dude chill, everyone have seen the looks you two give each other and many thought you two were a pair after the accident"

"They thought what?" my mind literally stops working as someone knocks on the door to where Alex and i are standing.

"Speak of the devil" Alex says and I turn to see who enters. Of course it's Lexie.

"I thought you said you were gonna talk to Meredith? You lied" she says and i sighn.

"No i didn't, i need to talk to Dr Karev about something first. You can leave now" i say with no emotions whatsoever and she just leaves. For once she actually does what I tell her to.

"Why do you have to be like that? She is oblivious falling for you, you don't need to be such a dick to her anymore"

"We made out in the stairwell" he has a huge grin at the announcement. "When Bailey interrupted and called me the new McDreamy"

"So what? what's the big deal, so you like an intern. It's not illegal"

"She's my intern, it's unprofessional"

"You were together with an attending, Mer with Shepherd and Christina with Bruke"

"I'm not going for my best friends sister, Meredith is like my sister, that would be weird"

"You dated Meredith, then became her sister. It's already weird"

"I need to talk to someone else" i say and walk out.

"Take a chance for once in your life y/n, make the move" he calls after me as i continue to walk. Walk to wherever the hell the halls will take me. I find myself back up at Alice's room, she's back and asleep.

"Im awake" she says and i smile to myself as she opens her eyes.

"How's it going?"

"Oh just the normal, surgery with a bunch of hot doctors. Have you seen Erica Hahn?"

"I have actually, not really my type" we laugh as i stand by her bedside.

"You leaving again?" she asks with a sad smile, taking my hand in hers.

"There are some things I need to clear out that i can't do here. I just need to get some space. but i'll stay if you want me too"

"I do want a pretty face to wake up to" she says and brings that smile back onto our lips.

"I'll put Dani on your case and you'll have a pretty face to look at, she has the same hair as me and eye color actually. You could almost believe we are sisters" I say, taking my hand out of hers.

"It's okay, i'll be here when you come back"

"I bet you'll be, you're too stubborn to die" i take some hair out of her face and rests my hand on her cheek.

"Just be careful"

"Aren't I always" i say, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Your in good hands here"

I walk out her room with a goodbye for now and start to just slowly walk the halls of the hospital. I don't really need to leave now but i can't stay either, there's too much people here that have business with me and i can't. I just can't anymore, i need some peace and quiet. or at least someplace that's not this hospital. I can go home to see dad, I haven't seen him since i came to get Jonas. Four months since then. It's not peace and quiet, but it's home and i don't have to pay to live there.

There, just five hours later i've talked to Callie that was more then happy to let me get a few days off, i left a note on the counter at the house saying im gone and now im on the plane to Miami. Waiting for the five and a half hours to start. I'm going home, even though that place havn't been my home since i was sixteen.

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