Busted by Calliope

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y/n pov

"I checked with Chief Webber about letting Jonas shadow you for a day, he said that as long he isn't in the way he could come in any time he want" Callie says with her smile and her hand on my arm to keep me from walking away.

"That's great, i'll tell him when i get home" i say and theres a silence when she looks behind me to the girls following my every step. I answer her with an 'I know' look.

"Me and Erica are going to Joe's later, wanna join?" she asks and i hesitate to answer. That is until she adds in a whisper. "You can bring your lady"

"We'll come, gives me the chance to officially meet this new Burke" i answer with a smile. Without turning around i call "Izzy"

"Yes" she answer hesitantly.

"You can count me out for dinner" i don't break eye contact with Callie as i say it.

"What about Lexie, is she still coming without you?" Meredith asks.

"No, she's busy. She has a job, a job you two should also be doing"

"Right, two less for dinner" Izzy says more to herself as i hear them both walk away in different directions.

"You would make a great chief resident" Callie says and i smile.

"Might just take the job from under your nose Calliope." i say with a smirk. "Now, how did you know?"

"When you had your accident, she said she had a really good reason for wanting to take care of you, but didn't know it yet. So during the surgery when you got paged to the pit i asked her if she know but she still didn't. I told her that your not a woman that waits for someone to make a move, but your one to make them either"

"Well you don't know me then because i made the first move"

"Good for you, now you must follow your lady doctor's order and get some rest so you hang with us this evening" she say with a smile.

"Yes ma'am" i say, since she's also my boss. But she lets out a laugh as she lets me pass to make my way to an on-call room.

Lexie pov

It took a little bit longer then i thought to get a sandwich from the cafeteria, but now im opening the door to the on-call room that your in. With water and a sandwich.

"Feeling better?" i ask you as you lay on the bed.

"Well i did just lay down so no"

"It's been twenty minuets"

"Callie got to me and we had a talk, about how she knows about you and me because you wanted to take care of me but didn't know the reason yet" you say, sitting up to face me. I had almost forgotten about that.

"Well i know the reason now"

"Yeah and what is that?"

"Because i like you, more and more every day" i see how my words make you blush.

"Well good, because tonight's planes have changed once again" you say and i sigh.

"As long as i don't have to sit with people who hate me"

"They don't hate you Lexie, they just... nevermind. Callie invited us to drinks at Joe's with her and Dr Hahn"

"I'm gonna hang out with my boss, my boss's boss and a cardiothoracic god" you laugh at me.

"Your cute, but outside this hospital were just normal people. It'll be your girlfriend and her childhood friend and a new friend you'll get to know"

"Your my girlfriend?"

"Yeah, it's what we are ain't it?" you answer with a smirk.

"I like the sound of that, y/n Diaz girlfriend of Lexie Grey. Love it" i say with a laugh, you laugh with me. I guess you are feeling better after all. You take me by my shirt to yank me down to your level. Smaking my lips to yours. It's more passionate then before and more needy. On both sides.

"y/n, as much as i want to. We can't have sex in the hospital" i say as we part for air. This would be our first time, I'd want it to be special. But I can't help myself but be hypnotised by your soft lips. I need it, I need you.

"Hush, people have sex in this god damn hospital all the time" you drag me down so that im on top of you, smaking our mouths together again. Tracing your fingers down my sides. Smoothly sliding my shirt off almost without stopping to kiss me. You turn so that your on top of me. Kissing your way down my jaw to my neck and down to my collarbone. Finding my spot, you notice and keep kissing there, sucking on the skin as I let out a moan.

<later at Joe's>

"Come on" you say, giving me your hand and i take it as you drag me into the bar. Your eyes search the bar and find them in an instant.

"y/n, Lexie, over here" Callie calls out for us and you continue to drag me through the crowd.

"So your the new McDreamy i've heard so much about?" the blond woman that's sitting on the opposite of Callie says. Must be Erica Hahn.

"And your the new Bruke that i've heard nothing about for some reason" you say, using your free hand for a little cute wave.

"And your the intern, i guess it goes in the family" Erica smiles at me as Callie gestures for us to sit.

"Lexie" i say as i sit next to Erica and you in front of me next to Callie.

"And im not the new McDreamy, im not like Derek. I'm faithful and im not an attending" you say with the same tone you used when he tried to get you out for a drink a few weeks ago. It somehow feels like yesterday, but it was ages ago.

"True, but i get how he got the name McDreamy"

"Yeah, from a far you can see it, when you get to know him... okay he's okay, but i still don't like him" you say, looking down to your rings.

"Because of Meredith?" Callie asks even though she probably already knows the answer.

"Yupp" you say, popping the 'p'. You take Callies bear and chunks it.

"I'm going to get us some new drinks, want something special?" you ask after you've drunk the last bit. But it wasn't much.

"I'll just stick to beer" Erica says and you start to get up your chair.

"Me too" Callie and i say almost in unison.

"Great, i'll be back in a moment" you say, pecking me on the cheek before leaving for the bar.

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