Can anybody hear me

418 18 2

Y/n pov

"Hello, if anyone can hear me, please answer." i say into the emergency phone. The only thing that should work even if the hospital is running on backup generators or not, aren't working. "Hello? Is someone there? Hello?" my words are more whispers than anything.

"... Diaz... hear you... it's Char... do you... me?" the words on the other side of the line don't make full sentence, but i can figure them out. Amelia is pressed into a corner with Oliver by her side, hiding them from the line of sight of the door. Not me, the phone is right by the door.

"Charles, thank the gods." i breath out as i glance out into the corridor again. Two men in black are hovering by the floor at the end of it.

"... you... a visual?" okay, so he can hear me clearer than i can hear him.

"Two men, they've got guns, like big AR-15-style rifles. I can't see if there's any explosive." my breath hitch as one of the men look up, but i stand absolutely still pressed against the wall. Praying to every damn god in the world that they don't see me.

"How... down there,... people." now i'm not even sure the words are coming down in the right order, but i understand them.

"I'm with Gilbert, i've got a kid. I can't check the other OR's or rooms, but i heard sounds coming from OR 4 across the hall." just as i look out again the men have risen from their place on the floor. But the line is silence now, no half meanings coming through. "Charles? Charles?" sobs tear through the air, but i realise that they're not coming from me. But the two in the corner.

"Diaz... Webber and... you out... tell me... in OR 4..." Webbers voice cuts through instead.

"Just know, you're cutting out."

"... fine... keep short... OR 4... people." i look out and see the men looking the other way, so i look into the window of the door on the other side. Just as another woman does the same. 'How many?' i mouth towards her and she holds up five fingers.

"They are five, we're three." i give Webber the answer but then i see the frantic state of the woman as she turns around. "Someone is hurt and it's not a patient, we have..." i look to Amelia for a name but her tunnel vision doesn't allow her to look anywhere but the floor. "The patient in OR 2 is in stable condition. For now, but someone is hurt over there."

"Stay pu... coming to... you" and the it's silence again. I feel how my heart starts racing.

"Webber? Are you still there?" i feel the slight panic rise as one of the men are out of my view. The second man is sitting down by a bag at the end of the hall again.

"Y/n... Meredith, we're here..." Meredith's voice cuts through instead and i let out a breath.

"Oh thank gods. Where's Cass?"

"Safe... got her out"

"If i don't make it out, make sure they're safe okay, i need you to promise me that Meredith." i breath out and look towards Amelia and Oliver. One who hardly knows me and one who called me but doesn't like me, because she knows who i am.

"She won't,... you will make... out" Lexie says instead and i understand her. But i just need her to promise.

"Please, promise me Mer, promise me" i plead into the phoneline.

"...promise, but you... it out" but even though Meredith words cut out i hear her promise. As well as between every word i hear steps from outside.

"If i only could..." i'm about to look across the hall but is met by a mans face. His high cheekbones, sharp jawline, bristles over his shin in the same reddish colour as his hair. But that's not what caught my attentions. It was his eyes, his ocean blue eyes. One more reason for me to hate the ocean. But the pupils are dilated, as if he's high of his ass.

I drop the phone, take a few step back towards Amelia and Oliver. He points his riffle to us, causing the two to get up off the floor. I can see through the corridor and to the other OR. How the woman is watching what's happening. I slightly shake to tell her to hide and not make a sound, without making it seem like i'm saying anything. He waves the gun to make us stand together by wall. But Amelia is left on the floor shaking, she doesn't get up. I want to cry, scream at her to get up.

Bang... bang.

Her body goes limp as a sob gets caught in my throat, a scream making it out anyways. Two bullets, one into her heart and one into her head. I instinctively cover Olivers eyes.

"Y/N?!!!!" i hear both the woman scream from the phone as i pull Oliver behind me, pressed against the scrub rooms door. Making it possible to him to run if i could just get the door open.

"Goodbye." The man shoots the phone and makes me jump at the same time, before pointing it back to me. He stands just in sight for me to kick a tray of surgical instrument up onto him, and that's exactly what i do, at the same time as i push the button to open the door.

"Oliver, hide, don't come out unless it's me." he runs, and before i know it i have the riffle aimed at my chest again.

"You bitch, you'll pay for that." his voice is dark and nightmarish and then bang. It's as if the world went quiet. I feel my chest getting warmer, my eyesight getting blurrier and my back getting thrown back into the wall.

"Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy and some are exciting, but if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you"

A/n okay this ain't less of a cliffhanger than last chapter. Sorry

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