It's my ending

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Y/n pov

When the page had gone through, my whole body had gone rigid. And i couldn't find anybody, until Derek had pulled me into his office and i saw the blood covered April sitting in the chair. An active shooter. Inside the hospital. Reed was already dead, and no one else is anywhere to be found.

He told me to stay put after he mentioned that he meet Christina and Meredith in the corridor, and told them to hide. Then he leaves me in his office with her, and even though i've never actually liked her, i still wrap my arms around her to comfort her. And she sobs into my shoulder as i brush her hair.

"I... Reed she... her eyes..." She sobs out and i can't even fathom what must be going through her mind at the moment.

"Hush, i know. It'll get better." Because i can't say it's going to be okay. Because i do can imagine what she's going through. All i can think about is Amelia, about her lifeless body hitting the wall behind us. Her dead eyes looking into mine. How the only reason i'm still alive from that shot was because i was wearing my lucky necklace that Mark gifted me, all because of what happened that morning.

Outside the office, i see a man on the other side of the bridge... and Derek walking out. The other man is holding a gun, and... the ringing reaches my ears before we can react to the shot.

And my body reacts before my mind, rushing out through the door. My breathing is hitching for each step out to the bridge. My mind is barely aware of the gun pointed to me as i come up to Derek's side. His eyes are frantically searching for something, fixating on me as i come over him. Putting my hands over the wound on his chest.

"Don't." The man says, holding hard onto his gun. But i don't let my hands leave Derek's chest.

"What are you doing?" I ask, daring to look up and meet the mans grief filled eyes. I remember him. Lexie and Derek were working on his wife. His wife that died. "Mr Clark, this won't bring her back."

"No, but it'll do something."

"No, it won't. It'll only leave a bigger hole in your heart and mind. Trust me, there was nothing more that could have been done." And there weren't. Lexie and i were looking them over and over to make sure nothing was missed, when he had decided to sue the hospital for it.

"Who are they to you?" He asks, not knowing who i am more than another doctor inside the hospital walls. Tending to other patients than his wife.

I have to tell the truth, i can't do anything else. "Dr Shepherd is my brother in-law, and Dr Grey is my wife." I hear a muffled scream from across the void of air, to the other bridge where Christina is holding onto Meredith. She's crying, trying to get free to run to us. To me and Derek. He lowers his gun but then April comes out onto the catwalk and his eyes shift.

"No one else was supposed to die but them. Not the redhead, not Dr Karev in the elevator, not the nurse at the station, not the guard on the paediatrics floor." Reed... Alex, he's to stubborn to let a bullet kill him... nurses, Vivian was on shift today at the station... guards? Adam and Elijah are there. Oh, paediatrics, Arizona and Calliope? Where is Lexie? Mark?

As his attention is more on April, and the gun pointed towards the floor. I move, reaching it but he reacts faster and hits the barrel to my head. And i fall back to the floor in Derek's blood.

"It's not to late. You can still chose right." I don't know when i suddenly became a person who tries to talk someone out of a gun. Or try to talk to someones good side when they're not that good at the moment.

"It's to late for me, as it is for you." He says and i realise my whole mistake. I should have stayed in the office with April. This time i don't hear the shot ring in my ears, no, this time it goes out through my whole body. And i feel how every limb, every nerve, every cell in my body stops to function. I don't know how long it takes, but i can feel every part of it.

Last thing i know is Derek's own body beside me, his hand searching for mine but mine can't meet his. Christina is holding so hard onto Meredith,... and her scream. It's heartbreaking. And... nothing. I've been reduced into nothingness. It's actually more comfortable than i thought i'd be.

But oh Lexie. My sweet little Lexie, my wife. It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight

But that's the last thought that goes through my mind before my heart takes it's last beat. Before i finally die. No more pain, not more suffering. And no more...

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