A few months later

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FYI i'll be changing from 'you' to 'she' and 'i' cause it's easier that way. I'll try to change it in the earlier chapters as well but it could take some time. But hope you like the continuation of this story. Since most of you lot have practically commented what i'm about to write. But here we go (I've rewritten the time skip, bare with me)

<time skip a few months summary>

y/n pov

So they took turns keeping me company at the house for almost a week, including Addison, i hated every minute of it. I missed work, the stress, the blood and trauma. The rush of saving a life.

When i got back the first case was this boy who had jumped into cement to impress a girl. I, at least, thought it was cool even though it was hella stupid. But he ended up getting the girl anyway.

Erica left all of a sudden, which i later found out was because of Calliope. Erica had admitted that she was gay and it freaked her out as she doens't like labeles. As well as Erica telling her she can't be a 'little' gay. Unfortunately i never got to talk to her about that, lucky her.

Meredith and Derek got back together, no surprise there. Oh and Lexie moved in, well she has her own key and sleeps here every night but i haven't actually asked her. Have to talk to Meredith about that first, which i hope isn't going to become awkward.

And when we were cleaning out Meredith found her mothers old diaries and to watch her read them was one of the funniest things i've ever done. While Christina kissed some military guy named Owa... Oliver... Owen something. Later on that man is out new Trauma attending and now they're dating or something, i don't really know and i'm not that interested in digging in it. I don't want her digging in my relationships, so i'm returning the favour.

Right and George redid his exam and passed with flying colours this time so he's become a resident like the rest of us and we're giving him some of our interns. Except for Lexie, she remains mine.

Our old friend Sadie came to visit, but she kinda hates me so i just keeped away and hated on her with Christina. It was so fun telling her all about Saide. And Christina got her first solo surgery, the first out of us residents.

There is this new attending in peds, name Arizona Robbins. She has rollerblades on her shoes, she is very hot and... drumroll... a lesbian. And she kissed Calliope in the bathroom at Joe's and now Calliope's avoiding her.

Derek's mother came to visit as well and apparently she gave him a ring, so now he's trying to find the perfect way to propose to Mer. He asked me for help but i have no bloody clue of how he's gonna do it because my advice was shit.

Addison came with her brother to ask Derek for help with two of their old friends. Naomi and Sam, and her brother survived. I wasn't surprised that Derek succeeded but i was still the one who held Addison's hand those hours of the surgery,

The rumour about someone being pregnant cooled down as no one started to grow or left, so i have that off my back at least. It also makes it easier to spend time with Mark, who's become my friend again after all he's done for Jonas. And we were, after all, friends before anything else.

Derek had some nervous breakdown for sometime and it didn't go well when some of us were sent to get him back to work. Though we had a nice time sitting by his trailer drinking beers. But he did come back and then he proposed to Meredith inside an elevator... which i helped him set up. It is a weird place to do ut but for some reason we have elevators who scream love. And the stairwell. But it has made me think about doing it myself... in due time.

Oh and Izzie found out she has Cancer so now there's that. And blessed my heart, Lexie and Mereith are finally acting like sisters... or at least friends. But weather it's because of me or not i don't know, i don't want to know.

Calliope and the new attending Arizona are dating and her father kinda rejected her and said the whole thing was a phase and that she is just confused. And i admit, it made me want to punch him but i kept it down because Calliope sent him away herself.

I talked to Meredith about Lexie moving in officially and said it would be great, since she's already living there. So that weekend i asked her to move in with me officially and she said yes.

Well things didn't get better with George joining the army, which i blame Owen for since he was the one who told him about it in the first place. If he hadn't George would have been safely in that OR and not on his way to tell his mother and get hit by a bus. So we're back to grief and here i am... but wait, there's more.

Tomorrow, Mercy West is joining Seattle Grace. So yeey, even more people who'll definitely hate me. And disturb me. And since Meredith is on bedrest for donating part of her liver to the ass Lexie calls their father, she's on bedrest a few more weeks. But she did it because she likes having a sister and losing her father would have broken her. Now we're starting our third year residency and soon i'll be celebrating my one year anniversary with Lexie. And this year i will give people hell.

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