Flipped upside down

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y/n pov

I pull up at the predict parking and walk in to the receptionist desk.

"I'm here to pick up Jonas Diaz, im his sister"

"I'll need your ID and fill out these forms" she says and i pick it up in my hand , i had it ready in the car. And i start to fill out the form.

It takes about a half an hour for me to go through all the papers and then i'm greeted by a tall handsome man.

"Y/n Diaz, Im Hank Mathews, we spoke on the phone" he says and i shake his hand.

"I remember, where is he?"

"He was causing quite the problem" he says, leading me back to the drunk tanks.

"Yeah, he's been sober for three months so i guess it's caught up with him" i say with a nervous laugh and he looks questionly at me.

"He moved here three month ago to get away from our father who drinks more than his weight. So for him to live with me and my roommates was that he had to go sober"

"Well you might want to think about putting him in rehab"

"I have, our mother died there so i don't want to put him through that"

"I'm sorry" he looks apologising at me.

"It's okay, it was years ago" we get to the cell where he's sitting.

"Well look whos here, the successful sister who's a doctor that's trying to fix everyone" Jonas says as soon as he sees me. He has dark brown hair with hazel eyes, he looks almost exactly like dad especially when he's drunk. I look more like our mother.

"Well this sister just got you out of jail, again" i say as they open the door to get him out.

"Well aren't you perfect" he mumbles as the police men start to escort him out to my car where i can take over.

He just sits there quiet while I drive, it's not until we get up on the freeway i open my mouth but he cut me too it.

"Are you gonna kick me out?" he says and it surprises me that he can think clearly to worry about that.

"Well i'll have to talk to Meredith but that was the deal, you sober up or you go into rehab"

"No" he snaps at me, making me jump. He doesn't even look apologizing at me even though he suffers from the same traumatic past as me. "You never said anything about rehab"

"Well that is your only option now if Meredith decides you can't live there"

"But it's your house to"

"Yes but i share that house with three other people"

"You promised you'd never send me there after mom" i see tears start to fall over his rosy cheeks.

"Well im not sending you back to live with dad in Miami so either you beg Meredith, Alex and Izzy for another chance or i will drive you to rehab myself" i don't want to but it's what best.

"I'll be better i promise"

"You better, they aren't the people to give second chances. Except for maybe Izzy"

"I'm sorry" he says and i can tell he really means it.

"It's okay, im just glad your okay"

We just keep driving in silence until he says something that takes me by surprise.

"Will you help me get back to school?"

"Of course i will, but then you really need to get your crap together"

"I will, if it's the last thing i do"

"So, what do you wanna go?"

"Med-school like you, i want to be like you" i smile and just hope that he'll remember this conversation tomorrow.

"First i'll talk to Callie about havin you shadow me for a day and well see if it's something for you"

"Deal" he says, giving me his hand and i take it in a smile.

"Is it just me or is that truck closing up a little too much?" he says after a few minutes. I look in the outside mirror and he's right.

"No your right, but we're turning right up here to get back to the hospital so i can get my stuff" i say , turning on the blinkers. But they aren't slowing down. We're literally two minutes from the hospital and i can see it but then i can't. It feels like everything is going in slow motion as my car flips with us in it. The truck had hit us and now we're flipping over to land on the hospital parking lot upside down. Someone must have seen that from the hospital, the truck had also flipped and lies not too long away from us.

"Jonas are you okay?" i ask, trying to get free from the seat-belt. I fall down to the roof of the car.

"Yeah, I'm okay" he says in a groan.

"Good, i'm going to check on the truck driver, try to get out but be careful" i say and push my door open. Crawling out in glass, tearing up my scrubs and my arms. I can hear someone shouting and people from the hospital running with stuff as i make my way over to the truck that lies on its side.

"Hello, are you okay?" i shout, looking through the glass. I see a man sitting there with blood running down his head. He's trying to say something but i can't hear anything as a loud ringing keeps my ears almost all clogged up. It feels like forever before i can read his lips. 'im sorry'.

"What are you sorry mr? Everything is gonna be okay" but i don't get an answer as the tank starts to crack and i see fire. But before i can react that the tank is about to explode Jonas is beside me dragging me away. The wave comes to us and he throws himself over me, protecting me from the fire. The hard ground hits my head hard and everything gets blurry but i can see fire and people running up to us, extinguishing the fire and rolling him off me. The ringing is just getting higher as they start to talk, lips are moving but no words are coming out. A light hits my eyes before everything goes black.

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