'Till death do us part

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Lexie -

Lexie -

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Y/n -

Meredith, Abby, Calliope, Christina -

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Meredith, Abby, Calliope, Christina -

Meredith, Abby, Calliope, Christina -

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Derek and Mark -

The sun shines bright and warm the day of the wedding, casting a golden glow over the sprawling gardens where the ceremony would take place

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The sun shines bright and warm the day of the wedding, casting a golden glow over the sprawling gardens where the ceremony would take place. The air was fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, and the faint sound of music could be heard in the distance. And it's the perfect moment for them all to cheer up and distraction as Arizona and Calliope planned it all. Those two months after the bomb, and where the question was asked and answered, was filled with perfection of distraction.

Lexie pov

I can hardly breathe as I watch them all get up from their seats to watch me and Derek enter through the flower door. I find it hard to believe we are really doing this. As we proceed down the aisle of white and pink flower petals with the green grass below, a tear still manages to escape my eye. White connotes innocence, purity, and youth. While pink is a symbol of happiness, charm, and grace. That's what Callie told me, at least.  

Everyone is staring at me from head to toe, admiring and perplexed by my dress. If Derek wasn't walking beside me, my white heels would have caused me to fall. I don't typically wear heels because I don't find them to be comfortable. I also never learned how to walk in heels. If I'm not dancing barefoot, hopefully there will be more comfortable shoes to put on later. It's grass, so I guess I could.

As I shift my attention to something else, the scent of lavender calms my feet and fills my nose. The four bridesmaids are standing there when I look up to see them. On my side are Christina and Abby, while Y/n's side is represented by Meredith and Callie. I finally see Bailey standing there as the one to marry us as I approach the altar. I completely forgot everything last night because of the nerves that clung to me.

Another song begins to play as Derek releases his hold on me so that I can stand up on my own. I'm not even sure what song I had on when I entered. However, Flightless Bird, American Mouth begins to play on the piano. The song's lyrics are also sung. However, it is difficult for me to concentrate on it because everyone's eyes are diverted to the woman who enters after me in a stunning white gown.

Her eyes meet mine with a certain glow in them. Her hair is braided into a crown on top of her head, and Mark is probably standing by her side giving her a flower crown. As she makes her way down the aisle, everything seems so enchanted that I almost start to doubt that it's all real. That what might have happened two months ago actually did occur and that this is not a dream.

She is pleading with God to keep yourself from falling, and I can see it in her eyes. Despite her graceful and stride-filled gait. She can actually walk in high heels, though. I must admit, though, that the grass is making it a little trickier. Mark's mouth appears to be moving softly, as if to whisper "relax" and "you're not going to fall," as if he can sense the connection between their arms.

Mark extends her hand so that I can lead her up to stand directly in front of me as they approach the altar from which I am standing. Her silvery eyes let me know that she shares my sentiment and wonders if this is real. Being her best man, Mark places himself closest to her after Callie and Meredith.

"We came together to witness Alexandra Grey and Y/n Diaz's marriage today. The two people whose love was discovered by them last and has kept them alive and together ever since." As soon as everyone is back in their seats, Bailey starts. "Now, if that's okay. Vows."

She takes ahold of my hands and i feel it throughout my body as i start. "Even though we got off to a rocky start, i couldn't stay away from you. So much happened and neither of us knew how to comprehend what was going on. I've almost lost you more times than i've had in my worst nightmares." A sad smile breaks on her face. "Before we even knew each other existed, the car accident, secrets and most recently a gun and a bomb. I will be forever grateful that you, that day, decided to put on tha ugly necklace that Mark had given your for good luck." Not only Y/n let out a small laugh, but also everyone else. "Now i'm here to promise you that whatever happens i will be by your side, no matter how much you've hurt me. Because you're a woman who does what she wants and says what she wants, i admire that. And i will love you forever, until we're nothing but foam floating on the waves will i want you to stop making my life exiting."

Bailey gestures for her to begin. "I've always had a bruised body and a broken soul. Even though some people have began mending it in the past, it's you who have done the most in the least amount of time. You helped me turn the pain into power. I always thought that i was raised without love, or that i was born unloveable. I was taught to survive now, cry later. And with you by my side i can finally breath." Her soft hand dries a tear on my cheek i hadn't even noticed begun to fall. "Lexie. I spend so much of my life on my own. And then Meredith found me and brought me home and helped me find the rest of my family. But just because one comes from a broken home, one does not not deserve true love, even though one may believe that they'll never find it. But thanks to you, i now have. And will love you forever, until we're nothing but dust in the eternal universe."

"Now, the rings." And she gestures for Mark and Abby to give us the rings, and they do. Now it's no longer just me holding my breath. For she puts if half upon my finger before speaking.

"With this ring i, Y/n Milena Diaz, take you, Alexandra Caroline Grey, to be no other than yourself. Loving what i know of you, and trusting what i do not yet know. I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." And she pushes the ring fully onto my finger, sitting nicely together with the engagement ring i've refused to take off.

And i begin to do the same. "With this ring i, Alexandra Caroline Grey, take you, Y/n Milena Diaz, to be no other than yourself. Loving what i know of you, and trusting what i do not yet know. I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." And i push it onto her finger. Fitting perfectly.

"Now, by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, i now pronounce you wife and wife! You may seal this marriage with a kiss." Bailey finishes and before i can react, she takes my face in her hands, crashing her lips into mine as people cheer. As we melt together for only a few seconds, i feel nothing but happiness, before parting and meeting everyone. Taking her hand in mine as we start to talk back down the aisle together. But now as a married couple. I'm married to the love of my life, it can't get any better than this.

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