'See you later' kiss

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Lexie pov

"What do you need me to do?" i ask you as we stand in the hall.

"How about we continue our date, and i can apologize a million times" you answer with a sad laugh.

"What do you need to apologize for this time?"

"Being me, i was rude to you for no reason and it was wrong"

"You don't need to apologize for being stressed, or being you. I knew what i got myself into"

"Well then i might just show you a good time" you say knowing full well it'll make me blush. In the middle of the hospital."Get changed and meet me outside"

"I will do that" i say and you smirk. You walk the other way to the resident lounge while I almost run to the interns locker room. Getting changed and running back to the front entrance of the hospital.

When i see you i slow down my pace to not look too desperate or some shit. You wave to me from the other side of the glas and i wave back.

"Ready to continue our perfect date?" you ask as i get out and notice it's raining.

"But it's raining, we can't walk around in the rain"

"No but we can sit inside a restaurant and eat" you say with a smile. Letting your hand run down my arm.

"y/n" someone calls while running out the door. It's Dr Stevens. You quickly get your hand of me. "So glad i caught you, hi Lexie"

"Hello" i answer awkwardly.

"What can i do for you Iz?"

"Well Meredith and Alex are both staying so they want to keep the car here but i'm going home, so can i have a ride with you?"

"Actually..." you start but stop yourself as you glance at me. "Sure, why not"

"You coming with?" she asks me, like she just forgot i was there.

"Yeah, Abby is staying and she drove" i say and for the first time i actually get a believable explanation. As we begin to walk towards the car you get close and whisper.

"Give me your keys"

"What why?"

"Because that'll give me an excuse to follow you to your doorstep when i drop you of"

"Good idee, back pocket" I say and your hand slides down my back pocket, taking the keys. I can't believe you just had your hand on my ass at the hospital in front of your friend and no one saw. You slide them into your little black bag in the same motions as you take up the car keys.

y/n pov

As we start to drive, Izzy starts being Izzy.

"So when did you become friends with Lexie? I mean, you took her from Christina to torture her?" she asks as if Lexie isn't in the car.

"I still am, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. Im torturing you and we're friends" i answer with a laugh, even though i hesitate at the word friends.

"You know i'm in the car too" Lexie says and both Izzy and I start laughing.

"So, anyone special in your life Lexie?" she asks and i see her freze, looking over at me.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, you can just ignore her. I do" i say with a smile and Izzy lightly hits my shoulder. Making my grip on the steering wheel harder in fear. I see how Lexie just wants to take her hand in mine, but she can't. Because we haven't talked about telling people or even about us that much. And if we're telling someone it's Meredith first. At least we're not telling Izzy first, she'll tell the whole hospital before we get the chance.

"y/n" Lexie repeats herself as i drag myself back to reality. I had just passed her house.

"Sorry" i mumble as i stop the car and pull over.

"Thanks for the ride y/n, i'll see you back at the hospital in a few hours" Lexie says as she gets out of the car.

"God, what is the matter with you?" Izzy asks in a laugh as i remember the keys.

"I'll be back, i have her keys in my purse" i say getting out before she can say anything. I run up to Lexie at the front door.

"Are you sure everything is okay? You seemed distracted again" she asks as i hand her the keys. She opens the door so that it's covering us from Izzy's sight.

"No, i just wanted to make sure she didn't see this" i say, sliding my hand up her arm. Pulling her into a light kiss. Like a 'see you later' kiss.

"How are you sure she didn't see that?" i point to the door.

"If she saw anything it would have looked like a hug"

"We never got to the point of talking about telling someone about us. I mean there are two people who know, and Alice doesn't count."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, i promise" i say, kissing her cheek before leaving her. "Goodnight mi amor"

"Goodnight" she says before closing the door behind her. I walk back to the car with a stupid grin on it. I get in and start it and start to drive before being reminded that i'm not alone in the car. Making me drop the grin and hope to god that she didn't see it.

"It's not like you too keep things secret from me"

"Well, if i want the whole hospital to know i'll tell you. But i don't, now shut up and let me drive" i say, trying to focus on the road with her lips on my mind.

"I won't tell anyone, i promise"

"I still won't tell you, too many already know this secret" i say a little quieter.

"Who knows?"

"You don't even know what it is, and it's Alex who knows. You won't get anything out of him "

"I will figure this out you know, there are no secrets in our house"

"We all have our secret Iz"

"So Meredith doesn't even know this one?"

"Isobel Katherine Stevens, shut up and let me drive home so i can get some goddamn sleep"

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