"We're friends"

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Meredith pov

"What is the matter with her?" Christina asks as she sits down at the table with me, Izzy and Alex.

"Why don't you ask Alex, he seems to know all her secrets now" Izzy says, snarky.

"You know what she's keeping secret?" i ask him but he just shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat his food.

"She just apologised '' Christina continues and brings the attention back to her. "She said something about being told that she doesn't have to be so mean and that she's being a grown-up and not holding grudges anymore, so she forgave me for what i said. Then she just walked without another word"

"The person to say that must have something on her to actually make her do that change. We all know how it went when she tried to be me with the new interns" Izzy says and we all remember that. It didn't last long.

"You know, there is one person who was involved in every single thing and has become offaly close to her lately" Christina says.

"Who?" i ask and Alex just seems to pretend not to listen.


y/n pov

I actually felt pretty good about that earlier that i had bought myself a sandwich with extra cheese. I never thought that one person's words could make me want to change. As i turn around i see Alex power walking towards me.

"What's the matter with you?" i ask with a laugh.

"They know" is all he says as he makes it up to me.

"Who knows what?" i ask but to answer the question Meredith and Izzy is on there way, Christina in the background to listen.

"You told them?" i say in an angry whisper.

"No but they suspect since she is involved in you changing so much" he says before running off again before i can stop him.

"Alex, come back here" but he's gone and when i turn back they are standing right infront of me. "What can i do for you?"

"What's going on between you and Lexie?" Izzy asks, going straight to the point.

"What do you mean? We're friends"

"Oh cut the crap. This change of yours, we know she is involved" Christina says.

"Im sorry but i have no idea of what your talking about"

"Just tell the truth for once, are you a Lexie a thing?" Meredith asks and i sense there is some disliking to the thing. Maybe the secret or me and Lexie being a thing.

"Like inviting Lexie to dinner tonight" Izzy says.

"I have no idea where you got this, but i invited her because i had a deal. I talk to Meredith about her, everyone knows that deal."

"We know there's more to it. You were out last night and arrived at the same time as her. We know, so could you just tell the truth." Christina says and i can't help but laugh. I knew we weren't keeping it such a secret. But the only thing Lexie had told me to do was not to tell Meredith about us. Not yet, and i'm keeping to that.

"Now, i don't like being accused of stuff. We all got our work to do, how about we mind our own fucking bussines" i say, getting the chart of the desk. As i walk away, leaving them stunned by my outburst, I take out my phone.

me to Lexie
Changed of planes, your not coming for dinner at the house tonight

Lexie to me
What made your change your mind?

Me to Lexie
Not over text or in this hospital, they are watching me like a hawk

Lexie to me
Who are watching you and why?

me to Lexie
Apparently you've made me change and they've contacted the dots to you

Lexie to me
So they know about us?

Butterflies run while to think of us as an us. I stop with a hand on my stomach like im gonna throw up. The nausea just runs me over.

Me to Lexie
I said we weren't, mostly because i don't know what we are but also because you told me not to tell Meredith. I don't think they bought it.

Could you just get the others and meet me by the nurses station

Lexie to me
Sure, something wrong?

Me to Lexie
No, just get them. Please

Lexie to me
We'll be up in a minute

I put my phone back in my pocket. I feel like im gonna throw up again and make my way to the bathroom. But just as i enter it disappears.

"You alright there Dr Diaz?" Bailey asks, coming out from one of the stals.


"Maybe you should slow down, don't need you on that table again" she says as she's about to pass me out.

"I will Dr Bailey" maybe it's just stress. All the sneaking around, keeping secrets and feelings all bottled up. Must be. I straighten back up before making my way to the nurses station where all my interns are waiting for me.

"Murphy, you get to run the code team today. Dani, go back to the pit and Newton, update me on Sienna" The two run away as the sickness come back. I hold it in with a hand on my stomach, leaning on the counter.

"Her wife woke a few hours ago and is remembering everything except for the day of the fire, they both are recovering perfectly"

"Great work, keep doing what you do" i say as i feel everything around me spin for a second.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asks and Lexie just stands there, like she's ready to catch me if i fall.

"Im fine Abby, it's probably just the flu." i say but they both see through me but don't say anything.

"You still should take some time off, so it doesn't get worse." she says and i can't tell if she really cares for me or just me being her boss. "Leixe will help"

"I said i was fine"

"You don't look fine" Lexie says and i just look at her and Abby knows it's her que to leave. "You look marvelous"

"I feel fine"

"Just take a few minutes break, i'll get you something to eat" Lexie says, sliding her hand down my arm.

"You know that's not the reason I'm not fine" i say and she meets my gaze.

"I know, we'll figure it out. But for now, get to an on-call room and get some rest and i'll be with you with some food"

"Thank's" i say before she leaves. I see how the girls stand and listen just a few feet away from me. As i turn to get some rest i bump into Callie.

"Hey, i haven't seen you since you got back" she says with her glad tune.

"Yeah, i've had a lot on my plate. But i need to go get some rest, doctors order" i joke and she smiles. Before i can being to walk away she starts a new conversation.

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