Mass casualties

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Lexie pov

"What's happening?" i ask Y/n as i come up in step with her into the ER. Her cheeks are stained a bit red and her eyes sharing the same colouring. But i can tell she doesn't want to talk about it, and doesn't want it to be noticed so i pretend it don't. But she knows i did notice it.

"I don't know yet, keep close, you too Newton" she answers to the both of us as we come up to Owen Hunt. We're not the only ones gathered close by.

"Okay, we've got a collapsing building, multiple sinkholes, reports say at least a hundred were inside, they don't yet have a number on casualties or survivors. We've got fire and police on the ground but we need to send a team in ourselves, to patch them up and then send them here so we can take care fo them." He calls out to everyone, to make sure we all get the seriousness of this. But what i don't expect is for him to call out to the one in this crowd who looks like they could collapse of exhaustion at any moment, the one with bloodshot eyes. "Diaz, you're in charge to set up a triage at the scene. Choose a team to take with you, pack and go. They will assist you on the scene."

"On it" Y/n says and turns to meet Avery and Alex. "Karev, Avery, take two interns, anything you can get your hands on meet me by the ambulance in five" Avery nods and runs away. Not a doubt in following her orders. Not since Hunt had given her that position. And Alex seems to just focus. He calls on two interns, and leaves to pick things up.

"Where do you want me?" i ask and she turns to me. There is a genuine fear in her eyes, i can see it. But i'm not really sure where it came from. Or over what.

"I need you here to help them patch everyone up. Dr Shepherd will need your assistance, Bailey too. Help as much as you can. Newton, go get Dani" she answers and Abby runs away to find her. Even though i'm sure she's as surprised as i am. And Y/n can see that in my face. Just a few hours ago did she sent Dani to scut, for speaking ill of her and Sloan, and me. "Look, i don't have time to argue. I need you to stay here and help, please. I need to know you're safe here"

"Okay" is all i can say before she runs away again to fetch everything she'd need. Y/n Diaz said please. Because she knows the dangerous for us as well on a scene like this. A building collapsing in on itself, unsteady grounds means that it's still falling and is dangerous. It's flattering but also wrong that she's making me stay behind. It's flattering because she's doing it to make sure i'm okay, but wrong because it's taking away a learning opportunity from me.

I throw away any thinking like that, because we have more important things to do right now. Prepare for arrival of everyone who was in the accident, and everyone who might want to learn of any information regarding the victims.

"Please give me something to do" i mutter under my breath as i come up to Derek. He notice right away that i was sent here, with one intent. Y/n might not like Derek, they might not be friends. But they know each other. Enough for Derek to know that the only reason i'm still here is because Y/n said so.

"Grey, great, i could use some help. I need you to reschedule every procedure, clear the ICU for everyone who can. Then come find me again, i'll need your help with everyone who's coming in downstairs to look for informations on loved ones"

Y/n pov

"Everyone, take these. Put them on every patient before moving onto the next" i start to explain as our interns haven't been through a code Yellow just yet. We have. And it's not the same as the ones we read about in med-school. "Rip them to that stage they are at. Green means that they have minor injuries and will not be a be highest on the list of priorities. Yellow means that they have non-life-threatening injuries and can wait but need to get to the hospital after Red, which means that they have life-threatening injuries and need to leave right away. That means that most of you will go back to the hospital with a patient, don't let that patient die"

"What does black mean?" Alex's intern, Sara Fitz, asks and a shiver goes down my back.

"Expectant. When the only thing you can do is make it comfortable for them until they die" Avery answers instead of me and i give him a grateful gaze. I handed out eight black cards that day. The day that Meredtih drowned. It's definitely on my top five worst days of my life. I meet Dani's gaze and try to find something apologetic in it, but I don't. I think back to every time I've looked into them. Nothing. She's cold. It's good for a surgeon, but so is bedside manners. And i would so love for Lexie to be here instead of her, but with this gut feeling i couldn't risk her coming with. I had to protect the one who protects my heart. And just knowing that she's safe at the hospital, calms my breath.

I don't get to think about that for much longer as the ambulance we ride in comes to a stop, the driver knocking twice to tell us we're there. I take a deep breath and open the back doors to reveal the scene. The building is still falling in places, people walking around, some already lying dead under sheets. Some are waiting for help, whether it's a broken bone or a laceration.

"I'll go talk to the person in charge. Fitz, Dani, take the east side. Avery south, Alex take your Fitz and go southeast. Brown, Jones, go west. Help with anything you can but don't put yourself in danger" I call to them behind me as I jump out, to make them hear me over all the noise. This is so gonna go to hell, i could already feel it this morning. When i woke up, when everything happened, and when the code came in only minutes before our shift should have ended.

A/n I also changed the cover. Tell me what you think?

It went from this

Into this (just a reference character, not actually y/n)

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Into this (just a reference character, not actually y/n)

Into this (just a reference character, not actually y/n)

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