Present your patient

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Lexie pov

I was awakened by the sound of a crash outside and I rushed out of Mr Deacon's room where I had fallen asleep in the chair with his chart. I run outside to find out what had caused the crash but it wasn't exactly what I expected. Out the window i can see a car and a truck flipping around from the road and onto the hospital parking lot. I recognized the car as one of the ones i had seen in the parking lot when i first got here.

"Is that y/n car?" someone screams and I see it's Stevens. Worries start to fill me up over you. Why? You have been nothing but mean to me since i meet you. I just have this feeling that i can't shake.

"Everyone take what you can and get out there" Chief Webber yells and everyone starts to run around but i just run straight forward right after Meredith, Christina and Sloan. We're the first one to get out and see you walk up to the truck. It is you but someones still in your car making their way out. Half the hospital is following us, just a few feet behind with all the stuff we could need. We're close enough to see the tank start to crack and a man starts to drag you away. How he pulls you to the ground under him as the wave of fire hits you.

They stop before me to avoid the blast radius but just a few seconds later we all start running towards you. A nurse comes behind us quickly with a fire blanket, dragging it from the man's head down to his feet to kill the fire on him so that we can roll him off you.

"He has a pulse, get him inside now. Sloan you too" Meredith yells but he doesn't seem to hear her. Too focused on the woman on the ground.

"Mark now, it's her brother, she will kill you if you don't save him first" Christina yells, bringing him out of his trance. He follows the stretcher with what they said is your brother.

"Y/n, y/n can you hear me?" Meredith says as she feels for a pulse. "Focus on me y/n, focus on my voice"

As i just stand there, paralysed and not to any help Meredith takes out a flashlight and lights it in your eyes. Your eyes go to me before they close and your head falls.

"Lexie!" Meredith yells again. "Help me get her up on that stretcher"

I quickly unfreeze and grab it and we help each other lift you up. Well my intern year is off to a fucking great start.

y/n pov

I wake up by someone stroking my cheek with a jerk.

"Sorry" a familiar voice and i open my eyes to see Meredith and Christina sitting on my bed, hospital bed. And all that happened earlier comes back like a flood and i jerk sitting up.

"What happened? Where's my brother?" i ask in panic but they both hush me. So i say more quietly. "Don't shush me"

"Don't wake her up" Meredith whispers, looking back at the chair in the corner of the room. It's Lexie Grey, sleeping.

"What's she doing here anyway?" Christina asks but i just shrug my shoulders since she has no reason to be here. I've been pretty mean to her since i meet her.

"Where is my brother?"

"He's in the ICU, he's still not breathing on his own" Chirstina answers looking down while Meredith meets my gaze.

"I thought i was the one that was gonna protect him not the other way around, he's my baby brother"

"Maybe this was his way of giving back" Meredith says and i put on a sad smile.

"Is Burke on his case?" I ask and Christina starts to laugh quietly. "What?"

"Burke left in his letter of resignation two weeks ago, Derek told her" Meredith answers as I take Christina's hand in mine.

"We should probably go so that you can get some rest, we'll update you on Jonas" She says after a while of just sitting there.

"Callie gave us all one of your interns exempt for Lexie who insisted on being on your case" Christina says as they get up.

"Why?" I ask and they both shrug their shoulders.

"What is it between the two of you?" Meredith asks and I honestly don't know and that scares me.

"Nothing as far as i'm aware, i've been mean to her since i meet her"

"Well we have that in common" Christina says looking at Mer who gives her a light punch.

"We'll see you later" they say before leaving me alone with Lexie and even though she's asleep she's still as stunning as before. A little of her shoulder length dark brown hair covering a part of her face. I can't help but lie there and admire her.

Lexie pov

I feel someone watching me so i open my eyes to see your awake. I quickly get up to the monitors and you let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" i ask with a smile but you just shrug your shoulders.

"Who's the flowers from?" you ask, nodding to the white lilies on the small table by the window.

"I got those, i didn't know what you liked so i took some lilies and i also thought that maybe you're not a pink flower person so i got the white ones" you look at me with a smile while i continue to ramble. "Well i don't know you so i didn't know, the woman at the store said that lily's associate with fresh life and rebirth and thought that it could suit the situation."

"How sweet but as you said you don't know me, why go to such a length for someone you don't know and has been a dick to you since we meet"

"I don't know, i thought you could answer that"

"If i could we wouldn't be here" as i'm about to say something more Dr Karev enters.

"How are we doing Diaz" he says, looking at you and not seeing me so i back.

"I'm doing just fine, Karev" you answer with a smile.

"You know you had us hella worried, especially Sloan" you sigh at his words. He turns to me and says. "Grey preset your patient"

"Y/n Diaz, 29 year old female, twelve hours of car accident and smoke inhalation. Second-degree burns covering 12% of both forearms and 30% of legs, it's being treated with an antibiotic cream to make it heal quicker. Lungs have been cleared and a concussion was obtained and is now under observation" i say.

A/N you're the same age as Meredith, born in 1978 and Lexie was born in 1984. It's the only age I actually have confirmation on for now. And since the series date isn't really said or written about, I'll follow the years it would be logical if the time in the show wasn't so messed up. It's summer 2007 now. So just bear with me and the time lapse.

"So that's why my head is pounding" you say sarcastically, making even Karev let out a laugh.

"Let's get Dr Diaz on acetaminophen for the next twelve hours and then you can switch to naproxen sodium" he tells me and i nod before they leave the room.

"Now you know more about me then most people that have met me" you say with a laugh.

"Then ask me some questions and we'll be even"

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