Interrupted first date

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y/n pov

She's just perfect in her flattened hair, her almost makeup free face. Or it's a lot that makes it look natural. But i love it. I love how she acts just as cute like newborn kitten.

"So shall we start with the basics?" she asks as the quiet between us was too long. The walk had taken us to the seaside. I didn't really know what we were gonna do.

"I think you learned a lot when i was you patient" i say with a laugh and her head jerks up from my shoulder. Stopping us in our steps on the bridge by the water. "What?"

"Isn't it against the rules to date your patient?"

"It actually isn't a rule, not that i know of but im not your patient anymore. You discharged me, remember"


"But you said basics, ask away tesoro"

"What's your favorite color?" she asks as we being to walk again.

"I don't know, i don't really have a favorite color. But if i had to choose, dark brown"

"Why dark brown?"

"My turn to ask a question" she lets me as the sundown shines perfect to enhance her dark brown eyes. "What made you choose to be a surgeon"

"Not fair, thats a harder question." she says with a pout and a laugh. Making me laugh. "There was this thing in high school when a teacher collapsed and no one knew CPR except for me. So i yelled for someone to call an ambulance as i kept him alive. I saved his life... ever since then"

"You saved a teacher? What kind of person does that" i joke and she playfully hits my side as i laugh.

"My turn, why dark brown?" i stop her and meet her gaze with a smile, making her smile even more.

"Because it's the color or your eyes dumbass" i say with a laugh and her face goes red. "But i guess i can change it to the shade of your face"

I place my hand on her cheek and feel the steaming hotness in the contact. Her eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. So does mine.

"I could use that reminder about now" i say in a smirk as i close the space between. Gently pressing my lips onto her soft honey tasting mouth. I feel her hands make there way over my shoulders and into hy hair, pulling me closer. As i let my hands slid down the side of her body to pull her in my the waist. I pull away for a breath and meet her sparkling gaze.

"How come you taste like honey?" i ask and she laughs.

"Maybe it's my chapstick"

"It tastes good" i say with a smile before closing the gap between us again. This is not how i thought my second year would go, or that she ever existed but here she is. Letting her hands in my hair as she opens her mouth to let our tongues meet again. How can someone be so fucking perfect, cute and like me?

Lexie pov

"Hey can i taste your chocolate icecream?" you ask, tasting your own f/f (favorite flavor).

"Sure" but just as im about to give you the ice cone you smash your lips into mine, tasting the chocolate from my tongue. As you break the tasting you just leave a chocked me. That was not what i thought, but you just laughs at my confusion. This moment literally can't be more perfect.

A pagers signals interrupt your laughs. Another pager's sound goes off. Of course life wasn't gonna let us have this perfect moment. Both our pagers have gone off at the same time, that can never be good.

"Don't eat it" you say, giving me your ice cream. I take it and you search in your bag for the pagers. As soon as you see the page the smile on your lips.

"What's wrong?"

"We've got to get to the hospital, it's all hands on deck" you say getting up your seat. Taking the ice cream out of my hand, and your other hand slides the pager back into your bag. Grabbing my free hand before starting to walk in a faster pace.

"Get in" you say walking up to a car. I don't recognize the car.

"Is it yours?"

"It's a rental that Alex parked here. It was so that he won't need to pick me up. I promise, now get in" you say getting in the car and now i don't hesitate. Maybe you really thought this night through. I thought you were just winging it when you asked me what i wanted to do.

"Do you know what happened?" i ask as you start to drive.

"No i don't, but we'll be there in a few minutes so be quiet when i drive"

"Okay, i'll be quiet" I say, picking up my phone. When it comes to driving i know not to be in the way.

me to Abby
You know what happened?"

Abby to me
All i know is that everyone is getting called back in. How was the date going

I look over at you before answering. I see how tense you are just holding the steering wheel. Like you think it's gonna have a mind of its own. I myself would never have been so fast back into the saddle, or seat in this case. It took me a few months to get back in a car when I was involved in a small crash with my high school boyfriend. Just into a poal. And it was months for me, and i wasn't even driving. But i guess you are different from me. Like you said, not a happy poster girl.

me to Abby
It was great, until we got paged

Abby to me
Did you make out?

me to Abby
Is that really a necessary question right now? People are dying

Abby to me
Oh it is, i'm in the car on my way back to the hospital

me to Abby
your texting and driving?

Abby to me
No, my boyfriend is driving me dumbass. And it is an important question

"Could you not tell your new best friend everything right now" you say, taking my attention from the screen.

me to Abby
Need to go, tell you later

Abby to me
Fine, every little detail. See you when i get in

I put my phone down and wonder where the amazingly nice woman i've been accompanied by the whole night have gone.

A/N I never said I was giving you a happy ending. Those doesn't exist in the real world, especially as a doctors in Grey's Anatomy. We all know that.

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