Not your secret to spill

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Addison pov

"Hey y/n, over here" Callie calls out as she sees you talking to a blond girl.

"How did the surgery go?" you asks with a smile as you sit down. But somehow i can see it's not a true smile.

"Great, what about yours?"

"He'll live to see another day"

"Great" Callie says with a smile at the fact that we're all three back together. At least for one day. "Now, just because i wanted it to be extra awkward i have to ask something the both of you"

"About what?" both you and i ask in union and laugh.

"Addison how is y/n in bed and y/n how is Addison in bed" she asks and i choke on my water while you just start laughing.

"If you wanna know Calliope, just sleep with her yourself" you say and meet my gaze. I would say it was a moment of weakness that night, though it was wonderful. And who didn't have a little crush on you, i mean look at you. Your wonderful in so many ways, both on the job and off.

"Talking about sleeping with people, i heard you and Mark broke up" i say trying to change the subject to something else.

"Yeah we did, but im happy now that i've found someone new" you say and i can see the real happiness spread across your face when you think of them.

"Well who is it?" i ask as i assume Callie already knows.

"See that brunette over there, with George" i turn to see O'malley with a cute brunette.

"Yeah" She waves our way and you wave back.

"That's Lexie Grey, my girlfriend" i snap my head back to you at the name.


"Yeah, you've missed a lot. She's Meredith's half sister"

"Seems like i've missed quite a lot" i say with a laugh that's more sad then happy. I see your face tense in pain again like earlier.

"You sure you're feeling okay?" i ask again with nothing but worry for my friend.

"Is it because of..." Callie begins but you stop her by nodding.

"Because of what?" i say with more worry then before and Callie looks at you for permission to tell me.

"Nothing it's just..." you stop like another wave of pain washes over you.

"She had an abortion" Callie says and you snap out of the pain in anger.

"Calliope" you snap at her and then finally meet my gaze.

"You were pregnant? Who was the father?" i ask and you seem to relax as the pain must be fading.


"I thought you broke up months ago? the pain should be gone by now if you had it in your first trimester"

"It was one weak night a few weeks ago and i did it yesterday" you answer with a low voice.

"How often does the pain come?"

"A few times an hour"

"You should be at home in bed, not working. It's normal to have a fever and the pain will be easier"

"Thanks but im not going home, i have patients to take care off." you start to get up but get dizzy as you grab the table.

"It wasn't a question, you could get worse" i say and Callie takes your arm to hold you steady but you pull away.

"I love that you care but i can take care of myself"

"When you're sick you're not yourself" Callie says and you don't pull away as she sits you down again. Before she walks away she says. "I'll be back"

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want to trouble you and i didn't want anyone to know"

"You can't trouble me, i'm your friend, that's what friends do" i say, putting my hand onto yours as Callie comes back with the brunette, Lexie.

"You must be Dr Montgomery" she says, giving me her hand which i accept.

"Addison, and you must be Lexie. The woman who stole y/n's heart" i say and Callie takes the word again.

"Maybe you'll listen to her if not to us" she says and Lexie walks around to your side.

"I'm fine Lexie" you say as she puts her wrist on your forehead.

"That's what you said last time and you threw up all night, remember" she says and i can't help but smile at how happy you seem at her precance.

"You should take her home, and keep her there until the fever's down. I'll call her in sick for the next few day's" i say, meeting Lexie's worried gaze.

"But she'll be home all alone"

"I'll make sure someone's home at all time, we'll all take turns" Callie says but she doesn't get less worried.

"It's like you forget im here, i said im fine" you say but i know you don't even believe in the lies your selling, no one does.

"And we don't care" Lexie says, taking your hand in hers.

"I'll come by before i go back, promise" i say and i see a hint of jealousy in the eyes of Lexie. She must know of our past, not that it's much of a past but i get it. I've known her for longer time and you were a different person then.

"I have patients" you whine again and i laugh.

"Not anymore, now come on. If i remember right we have a movie to finish" Lexie says, pulling you up from your seat and helping you keep your balance. We say goodbye and you walk away, not hand in hand but close. Wanting to keep it a secret i guess.

"You're jealous" Callie says with a laugh.

"At them no im not" i say but i have to admit i was jealous of you being pregnant. Deep down i just wish you would have had it and put it up for adoption and i could get it. Lika a surrogate. If that's not just too selfish.

"At what they have i mean, you want someone"

"Doesn't everyone?"

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