Zone five

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Lexie pov

I can't help but look at her as she lays asleep leaning on Meredith's bed. Even she can't take her eyes of the sleeping Y/n by her side. About two hours after i went out of this room, i realised that i don't really know where to go since Y/n's my resident. Dani has a surgery to prep for, Murphy got fired together with one of Alex's interns and Abby is taking care of sharts. I've finished my paperwork, i've done rounds, i've delivered paperwork to others. I don't have anything to do until Y/n has something to do, or assigns me something.

"Do you want me to wake her?" Meredith asks with a tired smile. I shake my head and she leans back and continues to play with Y/n's hair. "You know, I don't even know when she fell asleep last night"

"I thought she was on-call all night, that that's why she didn't come home" and i still get butterflies everytime i refer to it as home. Because i also live there, officially.

"No, she was here, with me, all night." she answers and i look at her again, how her y/h/c hair lay in braids over her back. A little longer now that i think of it. "Derek wasn't here and she didn't want to leave me alone. Even over the night"

"She's done that a lot these last few days" i sign as i know the effects it'll have on her. Not sleeping good, it could result in not only a bad attitude but mistakes, mistakes that could lead to someone's death.

"Dr Grey?" a young woman asks as she comes up to the door. Just the fact that she's wearing orange scrubs makes me want to kick the door in her face.

"Yes" both me and Mer answer at the same time.

"Oh, i meant... is she sleeping on the job?" the woman gestures towards Y/n and i want to hold my hand over her mouth to keep her from waking her up.

"What do you want?" i ask and i think that Meredith is surprised by my vigilance and frustration in my voice.

"Dr Hunt sent me to tell a 'little grey' that she's assigned to zone five with Kepner" and there is a little laugh as she says the nickname that is me. Gods how i hate it when she says it. "She's waiting for you down the hall" and then the woman disappears in the sea of orange.

"I hate them" Meredith says as i get up from my chair. I give one last look on Y/n before saying goodbye and walking down the hall. And even though there are so many orange scrubs running around i still find the one i'm looking for. Because i remember her name from the pit. April Kepner. As i slow down and walk past her she comes up next to me just as we're about to round the corner.

"Thanks for being my tour guide through this first-day madness" Kepner says after a few turns.

"Well we both got assigned zone five, so" i sign and try not to look at her. The orange is really too much.

"I know, it's not like you had any choice. Still, you're a peach to pretend otherwise" she continues as i'm given a chart for whatever patient we're about to be given. "Being the new kid is...

"A little scary, i know"

"But of course you were here when that psycho intern cable was marching around chopping out each other's organs. Now that must have been scary" i glance down at the chard as she laughs and walks off. But as we're assigned together, i follow her up to the patient. "Hi, i'm Dr Kepner... oh, handcuffs"

"I'm not an axe murder" the patient says as she glances towards her and the nurses are putting up the IV. "I just broken into someone's house. The dude came after me with a golf club, beat the crap out of me." he groans in pain as i trace his arms and abdomen. "You don't need the cop, i can barely move"

"Roll him" i say as i've put on the gloves.

"Oh, we'll keep the cop" Kepner says as she takes out her notepad. The nurses helps me roll him to his side so that i can check his back.

"He's got multiple contusions and ecchymosis over his back. He's gonna need lumbar and thoracic films. Down" and they help me let him down gently. I turn to Kepner to say, "Okay. By the way, it was one organ. An appendix. It wasn't a psycho cabal" and i pull off my gloves to throw them away.

"Oh, good to know" she says, writing something down in her notepad as i glare at her. I will never be able to get through this. Especially not since the only thing keeping me calm is sleeping away the whole day, again, upstairs. But i have to remind myself that it's not that weird that Y/n spends her time with Meredith and doesn't want her to be alone. I get it, but still i don't. Is it selfish that i hope she wakes up even more tired? Even though i know it's bad, i just want's to be pared with someone other than Kepner. I'd even work with Dani instead.

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