I'm late

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Callie pov

"Dr Torres?" a young brown haired woman asks me as i walk into the hospital.

"And you are?" i ask with a tone of worry but still the tone of someone in charge.

"I'm Abby Newton, y/n's intern"

"Where is she?"

"I'll take you to her" she says and starts to walk up the stairs with me in her heels. Worry fills me with every step i take. Even though we've been friends forever, we kinda slipped apart when you moved and became friends with Meredith. But i still saw you every summer, until last year when you started your internship here, I've barely seen you. Not a phone call, not a visit or anything. But no matter what, you're my best friends in the whole wide world. Even when i hate you.

"Dr Diaz, Dr Torres is here looking for you" Newton says through the bathroom stall door. I just hear a snuffle.

"Do you mind leaving us Dr Newton"

"Of course" she answers and leaves.

"You ready to come out now?" i ask but instead of answering you unlock the door. I open it to see tears streaming down your cheeks. "Feeling any better?"

"No, not really" you answer, getting up and walking over to the sinks. Starting to wipe the tears away.

"Hey, you don't need to hide from me" i say, taking your hands in mine. Stopping you from wiping tears. "I've been with you through the hardest time of your life..."

"No you haven't, where were you when i was forced to run. Where were you when i didn't have a home, a family"

"Maria didn't tell me where she sent you, she never did. I had to track you down, i went to the police so that they could find you, that is how i found you" you seem stunned by my words. "I have been with you and cared for you your entire life, now tell me what's wrong"

You take a few breaths before saying anything, taking the time to look into my worried eyes.

"I'm late"" you say

"What do you mean you're late?" i ask, not understanding really. Not wanting to believe what i think it means.

"I think im pregnant" you say uncertain and i drop your hands in chock.

y/n pov

I hadn't said it out loud earlier, but it all matches the symptoms. I had just thought about it, when i saw how Sienna was holding her son.

"Isn't Lexie a woman?" Callie asks after a few quiet minutes.

"She is... i sleeped with Mark"

"You did what? When? Why?" she asks in confusion. Probably why i didn't tell her about it.

"It was before i went to Miami, i was drunk and i missed him"

"You still miss him?"

"No i don't, i'm with Lexie"

"And you think your pregnant? Have you done a test yet?"

"No, i'm still hoping it's the flu or someshit" you say with a sad laugh but she see there is nothing but pain in my eyes.

"Wait, does Mark or Lexie know?"

"No and im not telling either of them, not until i know" i say and she turns to walk out but i stop her. "Where are you going?"

"To get a pregnancy test, were not leaving here until we know" she says and get out my grip of her arm. As she walks out and leaves me alone in the bathroom, tears start to stream down my face again. I can't help but want it to be positive, but the same time i don't. I wanna be a surgeon, i won't have time to raise the baby alone. Even if Mark helps me it won't be enough. It will grow up like Meredith did with mer mother. I've seen how Miranda makes it look so easy but she even admitet i wasn't. It had ruined her marriage even more. She doesn't have free time, just work and little Tuck.

But the part that want's it is so small but think about the cute baby in my arms. How Mark will spoil it rotten, play sports or paint or even play dress up. Coming up with names like William if it's a boy or if it's a girl Mary, after my mother. Thinking of the small clothes that will be in the drawer.

But that part is small, I don't want to go through it alone. I know Mark will be by my side, but it's not the same. I don't love him anymore. Not in the way i used to. Not like the way i feel about Lexie. And she won't have the time, she's an intern and is busy every day. She's too young to be forced to be a mother, even if she is, we've only been official for eight hours. That's when I called myself her girlfriend for the first time. I can't force that on her. I can't force it on me, not when my life is in crubbles. I might get kicked out my house and i'll be treated differently at the hospital. The only thing that'll be the same is Mark. No matter how much i try he will be by my side if i decide to do this. And if i don't, if i decide not to keep it or even abort, he'll hate me for it. He hated Addie for doing so. What will i do?

All my thoughts are going wild as the door opens again and Callie walks in with a test in her hand.

"You ready?" she asks, giving me the box.

"Not really" i answer, taking it out of her hand.

"I know this is something you'd want Meredith but im here for you too, no matter what"

"I know" i say, looking down at the pregnancy test in my hand. I mumble to myself even though she probably hears it. "I just wished she'd listen"

"Go on now, or i'll make sure you don't see the inside of an OR for a week and be on Mark's or Derek's service" she says.

"Jeez Calliope, no need to threaten. I'll do it"

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