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Y/n pov

But i know, it didn't hit me, even though it did. Because assuming that the bullet would kill me instantly; no, i wouldn't hear the shot from the weapon, as the bullet is travelling much faster than the speed of sound. Therefore the bullet would hit me long before the sound.

But i heard the sound, i felt it, i felt it hit my necklace. Thank good grace for Mark, for me putting it on this morning. Not knowing that it would somehow save my life. It's this metal pallet with my zodiac sign, and apparently it's thick enough to stop a bullet from tearing through my sternum.

I lay still, trying to play dead as i all i want to do i pull bullet out. But if i do, i'll start bleeding more than i'm already doing. And after five more minutes he leaves me alone, the man doesn't even make sure i'm dead, just looks at me as i don't move. I let out a breath, sobs coming with it as tears starts to come down my cheeks. I make it over to Amelia, hoping that she somehow survived. But she can't, she didn't, i already know it. But she doesn't deserve this.

I pull her up into my arms, trying to take her with me. All i see as i hold her is Violet, the elevator. I shake my head as i realise that she's too heavy, deadweight. So i lean her up against the wall, closing her eyes and give her a silent prayer. 'Eternal rest gran upon her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of God.'

But as i'm about to sneak out of the room to go and find Oliver, i'm stopped by the second man.

"You won't die, will you?" he chuckles but his next words are more apologetic. "We were told this floor would be empty" his eyes are different. They're still dilated, but they're kinder, like he doesn't really want to do this. "Maybe you are the new god" he looks at my chest, the blood now staining half the shirt. He's referring to the accidents before, the car, the coma. He's read up on the hospital, or he's a local and read the news paper. Instincts i didn't know i had kicks in, fight or flight. I use my fist and hit right onto the bridge of his nose, causing him to drop his gun onto the floor and hold his hand over his nose. Grunting in pain i take the time to run, but the first man comes from around the corner and pushes me up against the wall, his arm pressing against my throat. I try to get him off me but he's too strong and both the strangulation and my back getting thrown into a wall again, by body isn't strong enough to do anything.

Just as i feel as if i'm about to pass out i hear the sound of a door opening, at least a dozen feet walking out into two corridors down. The man throws me down onto the floor, luckily i react fast enough and catch myself before i hit my head. And before my chest, with the bullet, can hit the floor. The second mans handgun is laying right beside me, and i don't even think. I pick it up, pull the trigger, get on my feet and run. I just run, the opposite way. Until i run past a closet and two small arms pulls me in. We both let out a relieved sob as he pulls his arms around me, hugging me hard.

"I can't lose my sister." he mumbles into my chest and i sob as i wrap my arms around him back. He's only had me for two days and he already can't lose me. I don't want to lose him either, and he doesn't deserve to watch me go. So i will fight, i will fight and make everything right.

"It's okay, you won't" i let him hold close to me as i hold onto him. Neither of us caring that i'm bleeding or it getting over half his face. My heart is still racing and i let us sit down in the corner beside the door, to keep us hidden as i hear the two men shouting from outside.

Well, if i'm counting right i might be just out of luck on this one. I've had my three chances so what are the statistics on me getting a fourth? Apparently... pretty low. Still, i somehow managed to pass the bar.

"Come out you little bitch" the first man calls out.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained. Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourish your courage. You have to fail in order to practise being brave.

We never rarely learn from the first mistake, or the second, or third. It only hits us when we're give then last chance. That what's scared me, because my mistakes have now been thrown in my face and i realise i did wrong. I won't get another chance after this. That what's going through my mind right now as i hold him close to me by the wall, a hand over his mouth and one over mine as well. A small piece of fabric pressed against the small hole in my chest that came from the bullet. The bullet who is still stuck in the necklace. Heavy breathing and footsteps out in the halls. Muffled sobs from the both of us. This is my last chance, i know it... but it's his first.

A/n Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy holidays or if you don't celebrate, just good day. Took me awhile to remember that I live in like the only country to celebrates it on the 24th. But... Hi 👋

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