Shared trauma

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y/n pov

"Dr Diaz, she's waking up" Abby says, grabbing my attention from Lexie. She follows me back into the room.

"Miss Summer, how are you feeling?" i ask with the nicest voice I can bear to use.

"Wonderful" she says sarcastically and with a smile.

"Sarcasm, well that's a good sign"

"It's Mrs by the way, but you can call me Sienna"

"Well Sienna, i'm Dr Diaz and i wanna talk to you about what happened. At the hotel, your father said you started the fire" her smile fades at the mentioning of her father.

"He's here?" she asks terrified.


"You can't let him get near me"

"Why not?" she looks at all the people in the room and then back at me. I have a feeling of what it is she want's to tell me.

"Is there anyone you'd like us to find? Like your husband" i ask and she nods.

"Wife actually, her name is Ophelia and our son Jack"

"Where they in the hotel?"

"No, they had gotten out to buy food."

"Newton go find them, Grey go back to Mr Keith's room and keep him away from here. We need to clear the room" The two nurses leave, so does Abby and Lexie. They also close the door behind them.

"You want to tell me why you're so afraid of him? Does he hurt you?" i ask, sitting down on the chair beside her bed.

"He used to" she says hesitantly.

"Used to? Then why are there new cuts and bruises on you? I can tell there not from jumping out a window"

"When i was fourteen i got pregnant, so he stopped for a while for the baby. But he got so mad that one time it got so bad i ended up in the hospital. There i got to talk to the police. When they were gonna arrest him he was gone, but they put me in the witness protection program so that I could testify against him so that he'll go to jail. They changed my name and moved me to Portland"

"Where you had your son and meet your wife? I guess. Then what are you doing in Seattle?"

"It was a birthday present from a friend"

"Where are you from originally?"


"Then you are far from home, don't worry we won't let him get to you"

"Thank's. How did you know the cuts and bruises weren't from the accident?" she looks at me and i really see myself in her eyes. "I can see it's not because your a doctor"

"Your right, it's not. My father wasn't the best either."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Two days ago when i was home but it was only for a few minuets"

"No i mean when was the last time you were with him, when did you leave"

"When i was sixteen i finally hit back and pushed him down the roof of our house. He ended up in the hospital" i say and she smiles. Knowing someone shared her history. "My grandma took me in and after a while sent me away to protect me from my father"

"Your braver then me"

"I ran away?"

"But you fought back"

"I still lost, he still had my brother and i was on the other side of the country. I never got to tell the police, you did. That's brave"

"What about your brother? Where is he now?"

"Oh i went back for him. Literally broke him out the house four months ago" i say with a laugh, she laughs with me as the door opens by Abby.

"Sorry to disturb, but the police want to talk to her"

"It's okay, you can send them in."

"Is my family on there way?" Sienna asks but she's quiet. She doesn't dare to look at Sienna. I get up as i say.

"I'll be right back, there is no need to worry. I'll send the police in"

I take Abby with me out and gesture for the cops to go in.

"When the patient asks you a question you answer it, you do not stand in front of them and not tell them anything about their family. If you have nothing good to say then you lie" i say angrily and she looks down her feet. "Newton are you listening?"

"Yes Dr Diaz, I understand but..."

"But what?"

"I can't reach them so i searched among the patients that came in and found them"

"Are they alive?" i ask, holding my breath.

"Yes, but her wife is having brain surgery as we speak with Dr Shepherd and her son is in with the nurses trying to keep his mind of his parents"

"Then you go get her son and take him up here. Sienna is awake and you are not to mention anything about her wife"

"But what if she asks?"

"Then you only say you don't know or that she's filling out forms so that they can leave or something" i say and being to walk.

"And what are you going to do?"

"Im going to check on Shepherd and then on Mr Keith"

"You shouldn't let your own past affect your work" i stop in my steps.

"I don't let my own past affect my work"

"I heard, you talked to her about your past and i heard. But you can't let that affect your judgement"

"I don't, trust me on that. My personal life is nothing i bring to work" i say before continuing to walk to Derek's OR. I take a mask and hold it for my mouth as i walk in. I see the woman on the table and recognise her as the woman in the photo on Sienna's phone.

"Anything i can do for you Dr Diaz?"

"I was wondering how it was going?"

"You know who this is?" Christina asks and i see all the other people in here.

"Yes, Ophelia Summer. I have her wife and son out there waiting"

"Well there is a chance that she might lose her memory, so not good" Derek says, looking up to face me.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"I say keep it to your own patient but since your patient is family of mine, i don't. But im doing anything i can, tell her that"

"Thank you Dr Shepherd" i say before walking out and i notice i hade been keeping my breath, so i let it out before walking Mr Keith's room.

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