Propos... oh fuck

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Y/n pov

My mother used to tell me that you might be given a second chance in life if you make a mistake and at times you might even get a third chance. But you never get a fifth chance so be grateful for every opportunity.

Well, if i'm counting right i might be just out of luck on this one. I've had my three chances so what are the statistics on me getting a fourth? Apparently... pretty low. Still, i somehow managed to pass the bar.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained. Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourish your courage. You have to fail in order to practise being brave.

We never rarely learn from the first mistake, or the second, or third. It only hits us when we're give then last chance. That what's scared me, because my mistakes have now been thrown in my face and i realise i did wrong. I won't get another chance after this. That what's going through my mind right now as i hold him close to me by the wall, a hand over his mouth and one over mine as well. Heavy breathing and footsteps out in the halls. Muffled sobs from the both of us. This is my last chance, i know it... but it's his first.

Four days earlier

"I really had a great time tonight" Lexie says as we come into the house and i close the door behind us.

"I bet it overcomes our first date" i offer to take her jacket, hanging it up on the coat-hanger. We didn't have as much luck this time, it started pouring right when we got to the restaurant.

"Nah, it'll always be on my top five, amongst others" with a smirk on her lips she pulls me in by my waist, bringing my face close to hers. "And there is this other thing i would love to recreate"

"Yeah, what's that" our noses are brushing against each other.

"I would love to share icecream again" my stomach flutter at the memory of me tasting her chocolate icecream cone from under her tongue. And i know it's not only her cheeks that flush red at the memory, but mine heating up as well.

"I think we still have some icecream left in the fridge" i let my lips hover over hers, teasing and at the same time torturing myself. "Meredith!?" i call out into the house and she jerks her head back. "I'm just checking to see if she's home"

"Right" she answers with a smile and a laugh. "Anybody home!?" she calls out as well as we get that close again. No one answers. "We're all alone, we've got the house for ourselves"

"Meaning we can be as loud as we want" i feel the heat from her cheeks radiate onto my own face as i close the inch between us. Just like a year ago they taste like honey as she lets her hands up my shoulders and to stop in my hair. Mine gliding down her sides to stop at her hip, holding her body flushed against mine. Her lips are softer than anything i've ever known. Soft like a first snowfall, like biting into a piece of honey, like melting and floating and benign weightless in wanter. It's sweet, it's so effortlessly sweet. But unfortunately our lungs need air to survive, so we're forced to pull apart, panting.

"Why don't you head up and get a CD and i'll get the icecream" she tries to say it dominant but it doesn't work out. Even though she could easily have control over me, i would yield as easily as she does to me.

"Don't begin eating without me" i look into her dark brown eyes, and i'm reminded of her first question on our date. "Yeah, still my favourite colour" i add and her cheeks flush a deep red again. "And that's the second" i peck her lips again before we part ways, me heading upstairs and her into the kitchen to get icecream. And while i'm in our room i don't just get a movie, Pride and prejudice, but i also get a large blanket. A dark grey one i got for christmas last year. Also the one covering our bed when we don't use it.

But as i'm ready to go down, i instead walk into Meredith's bedroom and to her closet. Picking up the silver ring with three rocks in the blue satin box, looking at it for a whole of three minutes. Until she calls me down, wondering what's taking so long. I bring my head back and only smile as i go out and walk towards the stairs. A knock echoes through the house from the door when i reach them.

"I'll get it" Lexie calls out and i drop the box. Panicking as i put everything down on a chair standing in the hallway to pick it up. I hold it hard in my hand as i pick up the other things again, walking down the stairs.

"Who is it?" i ask as i come halfway down and can see for myself. I almost drop everything again, my smile dropping immediately as i see who stands in my hall. "Cassandra? What are you doing here, is everything okay, what happened?" i can tell that it's to many questions at the same time as i take the last few steps down to the bottom floor. So much for giving Lexie that ring tonight.

"I'm fine, i was just wondering if that offer was still on the table" her eyes tells me she hasn't been sleeping, she has been crying and the sleeping kid in her arms tells me he hasn't had much either. Oh right, my offer. That because of what he does, she'll always have family in Seattle.

"Yeah, of course, anything" i answer and i mean it. But it doesn't feel like a coincidence that they show up only two days after i finally told someone about them. Mer doesn't count, as i now remember that i did tell her as she was with me in Miami after i met her. Lexie's still standing by the door, but it's closed now. "Cass, this is my girlfriend, Lexie" i remind myself that neither of them know of each other. "Lexie, this is... my stepmother" the word feels weird on my tongue for multiple reasons.


"Nice to meet you" Cassandra begins to say with a broken smile. I can tell that she's really tired, so i decide that it's time they get some rest.

"Why don't you get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning, i don't start until three pm"

"That would be great, thank you Y/n" Still feels weird and i know she feels the same. But i still mean it, what he does to people, makes us family on a whole nother level.

"Up the stairs, first door on your right. I'll bring your bags up" and without really thinking it through, she trust me and heads up. I just gave away Alex's room. So either he gets to sleep on the couch or in Izzie's room. Depends on who's coming home tonight.

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