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Lexie pov

"What the hell is going on?" "What's happening?" "Is it real?" "What does code black mean?" "It must be a drill, right?" "This can't be happening"

"Everybody please calm down" Webber calls out from a few steps up in the stairs here in the entrance. Everyone who's working should be here, but they're not. Nobody quiets down. "Please, if everyone could just listens"

"Sorry, Lexie, have you seen Y/n and Oliver?" Cassandra asks as she taps on my shoulder.

"I haven't, but they should be here" i answer as reassuring as i can. But her hands have started to shake of worry as her eyes search the crowd once again. I place a reassuring hand on hers to calm her down. "Look, i know Y/n and your son is safe with her. Wherever they are, they are both safe."

"Then where are they?"

"She knows the hospital better than the back of her hand, she probably took Oliver and some other staff out a backdoor" it's probably true as well. Even though i'm not sure.

"Police are arriving shortly and we need to get everyone out of the hospital, get your patients and bring them out. For any serious injury there will await an ambulance that will take them to another hospital. Elevators are shut off and most of the power in the building, we're running on back up generators." Webber calls out again and beings to slit us all up into groups. "Karev, Avery" he calls out specifically as we're all about to get going in evacuation as police start to come into the hospital. All none personal are led out, including Cassandra. Me, Izzie and Mer stay behind as Alex and Jackson had been called up to Webber. Even Christina and Kepner stays. The thing that Webber is telling them is making them both wince to. Whatever it is, it's visible on their faces. They both stay on the stairs as Webber moves past them and then past us with a glance of pity, and meeting up with some of the police officers coming in through the door. Quiet words are exchanged between the two men on the stairs. It's me and Meredith who takes the steps towards them.

"What's going on?" we both ask in unison but they both refuse to look down at us.

"The explosives are on the OR floor" Avery finally answers after multiple minutes of silence. Alex meets my gaze and it tells me everything his mouth doesn't.

"But Y/n went down to the OR floor" it's like Meredith's head refuses to see the oblivious in front of us. "Gilbert called her down, she took Oliver with her" while my head is completely empty.

"We need to get down there" i say before i can stop myself. No one should go down there, it's dangerous. But i feel how my chest clamps as if it's going to stop me from breathing.

"We can't, let the police take care of it." Avery says and the way he says it makes it seem as though he is a part of our group. Even if he's friends with Y/n and a part of our group at work, he is NOT a part of our family.

"You two, out of here" Webber calls out to me and Mer, i know it's us. "Even better, all of you."

"We need to get her out of there, she has a kid with her, he's only ten" Meredith almost snaps at him but Derek has come in and lays a hand on her arm to keep her still.

"We'll get them out, if you get contact with her do tell me. But do it from outside."

"Chief Webber" Charles calls out as he comes running down from what must have been Webber office.

"What is it Percy?"

"Diaz called on the emergency line in your office" i can't stop the relieved breath that's let out of my throat.

"What'd she say"

"There's two of them from what she can see, and... they have guns, she hasn't seen the explosives."

"What about the people in her company? How many are down there?"

"It's her, Gilbert and a kid. Then she heard some others in another room but hasn't checked it out."

"Then i'd better tell her not to check it out" Webber says as he runs out to get to that line. This is just fucking perfect. Now it's not just explosives i need to worry about, a gun could take her down even before the bomb. All elevators have stopped, no one is on them. The stairs are locked between those floors, can only be opened by a key from the outside.

Police come back in and explain that they need Webber for blueprints and everything else. Derek suggest that we could keep an eye on the phone while Webber helps the police. So me and Mer lead them upstairs and into his office.

"...s in stable condition. For now, but someone is hurt over there." i hear Y/n's voice steady and calm from the phone.

"Stay put, we're coming to get you out." Webber says before he looks up.

"We'll stay with the phone." Meredith says, her hands pressed against her scrubs in a try to get them to stop shaking.

"That way we're out of the way and still in the loop, they need your help finding a way in." my voice is steadier than i thought it would be. Maybe only because i heard her voice, even though the phone, but she's not afraid, she's calm and taking charge. Please just don't do anything stupid.

"Good idea, but she can't hear full sentence, we cut out so keep short sentences. She gets most of it, but keep me in the loop as well." Webber goes out with the police in his tail as me and Mer sit down by the phone.

"Webber? Are you still there?" now there's a slight panic, like something happened on her end to make her less calm. Someone moving, making a sound, pulling attention to them.

"Y/n, it's Meredith, we're here"

"Oh thank gods. Where's Cass?"

"Safe, we got her out" Meredith keeps her sentence short to try and make sure she hears every word.

"If i don't make it out, make sure they're safe okay, i need you to promise me that Meredith."

"She won't, because you will make it out" i intervene because i can't... can't imagine another outcome where she's not okay.

"Please, promise me Mer, promise me"

"I promise, but you will make it out"

"If i only could..." but she goes quiet, a whimper is heard and then the breaking down of a door. A few screams.

"Y/N?!!!!" both me and Mer scream into the phone, knowing full well that everyone in eight feets distance of it would have heard it.

"Goodbye." a man's voice says close but still so far away. Then... bang, bang... silence.The whole line is cut off with another bang.

Nothing lasts forever.

Forever is a lie.

All we have is what's

between hello and goodbye.

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